Topic: Pocium the Full Version 2.40 – capability questions

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  • #2541

    If this is not the correct place to ask these questions – forum admin – please move to the correct section. – thanx

    Hi –

    I tried and am going through the Free version of Podium which due to some restrictions I need to ask a couple questions on the full versions capabilties – hope you don’t mind.

    1) Can it record and export true 5-1 7-1 and quad surround and various speaker configurations audio files?
    and if so… In what file formats?

    2) Does the Full version have 192khz capability?

    3) How acurate are the vu meters?

    4) What is the default throw of the track volume control sliders?
    – Can this be adjusted for link-up for various Hardware interface mixer boards? ie: 90mm 120mm etc etc?

    5) How many Midi Paramenters are supported?

    6) This question involves using Reason/Rewire in Podium.
    Please look over this tutorial both 1 and 2 to familiarize yourself with what I asking before answering.

    VST and Reason part 1

    VST and Reason part 2

    Can I easily do this in Podium? If so What are the steps to do so?

    thanx for your time


    The feature limitations in Podium Free are only those that are mentioned on the download page. In other words, the features covered in your questions 2..5 are not restricted in Podium Free.

    1/ Yes, wav & aif.

    2/ Yes.

    3/ Very.

    4/ It cannot be adjusted.

    5/ Unlimited.

    About the Reason/rewire question: I am not particularly familiar with Reason, so perhaps other users that are using Reason will chime in with some comments on that.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    The feature limitations in Podium Free are only those that are mentioned on the download page. In other words, the features covered in your questions 2..5 are not restricted in Podium Free.

    1/ Yes, wav & aif.

    2/ Yes.

    3/ Very.

    4/ It cannot be adjusted.

    5/ Unlimited.

    About the Reason/rewire question: I am not particularly familiar with Reason, so perhaps other users that are using Reason will chime in with some comments on that.

    again thanx Fritz –

    Hmmm, it does support 192k in Podium Free… double hmmm,

    Let me check to make sure i have the audio set up correcrtly and I’m using the correct driver… probably why I’m not seeing it.

    I need to get the full version anyway – I need that surround sound mixer!! 🙂

    talk again next week sometime,

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