Topic: Podium 2.0

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  • #1379

    I was not quite sure when to start this but Frits is heading to 2.0 quite steadily now(and a Podianer comment reminded me)…so what 2 or three must have or like to have features do you have in mind for v.2?

    For me…

    1. Timestretching: I think this was going to be a pre v.2 feature but it may not make it before v.2 so if not then as a v.2.0 release it would be very nice.

    2. zGrid: This might even be my no.1

    So what are your top 2?


    +1 for zGrid!!

    This would be of major importance for me.. And of course some more UI tweaks concerning plugins (such as highlighting and drop down menu as discussed earlier).


    @Podianer wrote:

    +1 for zGrid!!

    This would be of major importance for me.. And of course some more UI tweaks concerning plugins (such as highlighting and drop down menu as discussed earlier).

    I get the feeling that once the zGrid appears it will cause quite a stir. An idea turned to legend, legend turned to myth, until it has passed from all knowledge…until one day a hobbit…

    ok that is stretching things a bit šŸ˜†


    1. zGrid
    2. Timestretching


    @swindus wrote:

    1. zGrid
    2. Timestretching

    Cheers Swindus…
    I see a pattern developing here šŸ™‚

    Any one else? šŸ˜‰


    Well, for a relative new user the zGrid is indeed sounding like a wonderful myth šŸ™‚ . If it contained something (I read the manual twice up to now and am still working to get my XT-workflow to the Podium-workflow (little example, even if I should know by now I still get stunned after testing new plugins that they are not automatically updated superquickly like in XT but bound to the objects/default templates I chose) like sending one VSTi to another VSTi, and not only FX, it would be marvellous for me (I think it does, as the chainer-possibilities are mentioned in quite a few threads).


    1 zGrid as far as I understand and what is said about it here would be LOVELY!

    2 whatever the in-the-know-users want:-)). I still think hosts that implemented timestretching did it by buying this stuff that made it into Ableton live, EnergyXT and many more hosts? If that would be true I asked myself why don’t they try to do it for themselves, is it VERY difficult?
    So well, I have no clue here. A hard to do version that would take much time for Frits and would even fall short compared to other hosts would maybe not persuade enough users of the future. But then a good timestretching would be nice and would attract people (even if I get the impression that sometimes at KVR people really think a host should have it, and around 50% never seem to use it). I like timestretching much for experiments, and for now use, for loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong stretching a freeware called “paulstretch” (makes strange noises, and sometimes choir-like pads who last 1 hour out of a 3′ piece šŸ˜€ ). It’s not vst, you just render your settings and put them into Podium as wavs.

    So basically I’m all ears what the powerusers here say, and if zGrid is what I think it is – would be certainly my favourite then šŸ˜€


    Definately zGrid….please.. šŸ˜€
    I don’t think Frits has mentioned it for a while though, so it’s more in hope than expectation.



    @Klemperer wrote:

    1 zGrid as far as I understand and what is said about it here would be LOVELY!

    2 whatever the in-the-know-users want:-)). I still think hosts that implemented timestretching did it by buying this stuff that made it into Ableton live, EnergyXT and many more hosts?

    With Tracktion 3 and Live 6 yes. I think they both use the same version of the “Elastique” algo.

    If that would be true I asked myself why don’t they try to do it for themselves, is it VERY difficult?

    I would guess yes.

    Especially considering the prices charged for the algos. For devs to buy at that price it is likely not a simple task.
    But it appears to be one that Frits is keen to try to do himself to bring his costs down. He might just pull it off. If the zReverb is anything to go by he can handle first time efforts very well indeed. Lets see.

    So well, I have no clue here. A hard to do version that would take much time for Frits and would even fall short compared to other hosts would maybe not persuade enough users of the future.

    “roll my own” is a quote from Frits so I guess he may also able to “improve his own” creation over time. Likely easier for him than a 3rd party option.

    But then a good timestretching would be nice and would attract people (even if I get the impression that sometimes at KVR people really think a host should have it, and around 50% never seem to use it). I like timestretching much for experiments, and for now use, for loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong stretching a freeware called “paulstretch” (makes strange noises, and sometimes choir-like pads who last 1 hour out of a 3′ piece šŸ˜€ ). It’s not vst, you just render your settings and put them into Podium as wavs.

    I heard of Paul stretch, the z synth guy I think. Maybe Frits should talk to him.

    Definately zGrid….please..
    I don’t think Frits has mentioned it for a while though, so it’s more in hope than expectation.


    Yep…it’s official there is a pattern developing here šŸ˜†


    I don’t see why the step from v.1.99 to v.2.00 should be any bigger than others adding just a 0.01 step to the figure.

    Frits is using the version numbering the way it is meant to be, unlike some companies showing big shiny version numbers just for marketing reasons while others might just skip releasing the minor steps in order to charge for the major update later on.

    If one is to judge the major improvements of v.2.00 one day, it should be compared with v.1.00, not with 1.99, because v.1.00 and v.2.00 are major releases. 1.99 to 2.00 is only a cent in the version system.

    As we have seen in the past those cent improvements are sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger, because some feats need to be there before others can be added.
    I don’t think it would make much sense, if Frits spared some new feats just to make it fall on the v.2.00 release, instead of working steadily onwards.


    @Pigini wrote:

    I don’t see why the step from v.1.99 to v.2.00 should be any bigger than others adding just a 0.01 step to the figure.

    Frits is using the version numbering the way it is meant to be, unlike some companies showing big shiny version numbers just for marketing reasons while others might just skip releasing the minor steps in order to charge for the major update later on.

    If one is to judge the major improvements of v.2.00 one day, it should be compared with v.1.00, not with 1.99, because v.1.00 and v.2.00 are major releases. 1.99 to 2.00 is only a cent in the version system.

    As we have seen in the past those cent improvements are sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger, because some feats need to be there before others can be added.
    I don’t think it would make much sense, if Frits spared some new feats just to make it fall on the v.2.00 release, instead of working steadily onwards.

    I agree it is not necessary but it is most definitely “expected”. The market Podium is in, is surrounded by other similar applications that will surely have at least one major addition to a v.2, or v.3 e.t.c release.

    Necessary? No. Expected? Yes.

    People will still demo and buy Podium, major v.2 features or not, but without one major feature for v.2 Frits IMO will miss out on a very good marketing opportunity to draw more attention to Podium.

    Marketing is simply part of the whole Podium universe. No way around it. Same for just about every product out there.

    Any and every opportunity to get Podium in front of as many people as possible (within reason) must surely be explored. Other competing products adopt the same approach with differences here and there.

    Tracktion, EXT2, FL, Project 5 v.2.5 e.t.c all fall within or are very close to Podiums price point. It would be strange to not at least have a single major addition to Podium v.2. I would classify the zGrid as pretty major.

    Frits himself said…

    “Any suggestions for the V2 killer feature?” here..

    Perhaps he now feels there is no need. Maybe. But as I said earlier all competing products have at least one major feature added to a major version upgrade.

    Usually a few at least or even several in some cases. I don’t think it’s about necessity but more about what is expected by Podium’s target market.

    I would think Frits might consider 1 or 2 major features. Which should be fine as he does add features on a regular basis. But I would not say enough features are added regularly to totally do away with a key or major v.2 feature. šŸ˜‰


    1. zGrid
    2. Timestretching

    … and may be a pattern sequencer like “Algorhythm” had it. This was an application from (site is down since a while).
    Frits, I could send you the Algorhythm-Software, better than try to explain what kind of pattern function I mean. Let me know if I should send it or not.



    Honest to God, I dont know whats up with people and zGrid? To me, creating FX-chains works as smoothly as anything else. Or maybe Ive missed something? I am rather new.

    Personally, I’d like to see support for other hardware controllers. Apparently this is already a priority though, from what I’ve read.


    @Reject wrote:

    To me, creating FX-chains works as smoothly as anything else. Or maybe Ive missed something? I am rather new.

    Hi Reject…have you read through this thread?

    The reasons why the zGrid is in such high demand is detailed there. Even after reading it you may still not want or see a need for it personally but if you want to know why it is of great interest to so many Podium users the reasons are in that thread. šŸ˜‰


    Thanks Conquistador for the answers!
    (And as far as I know EXT2 uses the same timestretch than T3 and Live, at least I was told so, it is a licensed timestretch too, but that’s not really important for this forum šŸ™‚ ).

    So like everyone it seems,




    (…and about the free timestretch – The Paulstretch seems to be just interesting for creating veeeeery loooong timestretching, – I like it well – and might disappoint users who expect something like in Ableton and so on, maybe.)

    …and, and Jaegerteam, I thought I had found an italian website that still contained this algorhythm, but well, it just linked of course to the site which is offline.

    …well this is just a picture on this italian website.


    1. Generic MIDI controller mapping (eg: MIDI CC to mixer pan/fader/send..)
    2. Zgrid
    3. Time stretching

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