Topic: Podium constantly crashing

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  • #25041
    The Telenator

    Out of interest in your endeavour and a great curiosity of why I have never at least tested ZASF at some point, I wanted to stop by and see how things are going. I did a quick search myself, and if my info is correct, you should not use any version of ZASF below v2.4.3, as earlier ones were indeed buggy in some hosts, notably trashing the attempts of those brave souls who insist on trying to do serious music on Linux systems and causing other fidgety DAWs such as Ableton to crash. (Not surprised in the slightest to see Live 8 listed among the victims after my year to trying this DAW and seeing numerous plugins crash it!) I’m not 100% confident on that version #, so you might want to look into that as well.
    I also wanted to offer that placing that ms runtime library within the VSTi’s folder should offer no real advantage to your machine over having a copy each in System32 and SysWOW64 (assuming you are on a 64-bit and you’ve given your PC a fresh boot so it can find all goodies such as those). I thought I should also mention that you really ought to have permission from any dev-owner of any software you plan to hack into. Now, don’t expect a hard knock on your door at 3 a.m. to find men in black suits to confront you about your tampering, but it is simply considered a common courtesy, and often devs are more than willing, even sometimes quite interested, to allow whatever project. I haven’t read the licenses, including Podium’s, but can assure it prohibits making changes. I recall in the case involving the day-glo bright red of charming synth Charlatan causing real eye strain that it was only after its owner’s written permission and our promise to then spec it as altered and ‘non-original’ that we opened up that .DLL and switched out the original .PNG files of its GUI. (One version of mine now sports a darker ruby metal flake skin today!)
    On to your other topics, I thought I’d offer that of all the various means outside of ASIO I’ve only made use of Windows Direct Sound and not MME (and WASABI locked up Podium the one time I tried it), and I only used it for a simple mic input a couple of times. If your TASCAM driver is giving you an issue, you could always try the free ASIO4ALL (important: v2.11, beta 1 is the most stable version for most users). Sometimes this ASIO will work considerably better than the native driver included with your hardware.
    As regards your question about the ‘rebuild plugin database’, it is merely one of the few options offered. Interestingly, the few times I have moved a plugin from one sub-folder within my VSTPlugins to another, Podium has caught the change every time, and it changes the file address automatically and will ask me if I wish to SAVE any project I have opened after making the change. [edit: should note that Podium is not like some DAWs that freak out over the slightest change in a plugin’s file address; it is a ‘ relative reader’] I’m explaining this part because your edition of Podium likewise should detect and change and ask to SAVE anytime you move an item. So, this part of your post above I did not understand. Perhaps you moved the plugin to a far different folder that you had not included in the important listing in your Preferences section? In any case, you can change the address yourself in the details box. Podium was built in a former time when users did not add, move or alter plugins nearly every day, unlike today when upgrades and new plugins are being released by the virtual hundreds constantly. I spend a fair portion of my time in this Host making sure my database is accurate and contains what I want to use in projects. I go through all current projects and use only ‘Load Database’ for each after updating plugindatabase.pod in my Roaming folder for Podium. It is the fastest and least painful way (and encourages me to be conservative about making lots of constant plugin changes as well)!
    I have probably missed something else you asked, but this seems a lot for now. Although I have settled on a simple ‘Two-DAW User’ approach to making music, no matter which other DAW I might use, Podium remains a mainstay and one of the two. And although I have always encouraged the addition of my ‘shortlist’ of features to future Podium editions, the simplicity and stability of Podium without a whole bevy of more and newer features is actually rather helpful and refreshing to me. The added features (and therefore the manual lengths) of every other DAW continue to grow by leaps and bounds with every new edition, and it is starting to be a bit too much, if you ask me. Like all DAWs, Podium ‘prefers’ some things set and/or done a certain way. Once these few idiosyncrasies are understood, Podium is a rock-solid and extremely efficient chunk of software. I have had no real issues or crashes in many months now. Best Wishes on your efforts and progress! -Tele

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by The Telenator.

    Thanks Telenator.

    I assure you that I have no intentions of hacking Podium, beyond putting one of the VST_monitor VSTs in line to watch the conversation between Podium and ZASF. ZASF is an open source project, so hacking it is what I am expected to do. And I am regular contact with VDXi, the “official” dev of the current Windows VST version.
    Removing the C++ run time library was no big deal – I think Seib placed it in the VSThost folder to guard against incompatibilities arising from M$oft updates.

    Like all DAWs, Podium ‘prefers’ some things set and/or done a certain way.

    I assumed as much, but it would appear that knowing what that certain way is costs a little extra…

    Perhaps you moved the plugin to a far different folder that you had not included in the important listing in your Preferences section?

    I removed the one I didn’t know was there altogether, because I didn’t know it was there and had no idea that I was using it. The recycle bin is DEFINITELY not in my plugins path… 😀

    But something you said makes me a bit worried…

    the few times I have moved a plugin from one sub-folder within my VSTPlugins to another, Podium has caught the chain every time, and it changes the file address automatically

    I always have multiple versions of ZASF floating around in my plugins folder: VDXi’s current release, my current “best” version, and any previous versions that I have used in any projects (the latter because a known “issue” with ZASF is that different versions tend not to play nicely with each other in a single project, so when I open an old project and want to add a new track, I need to use the version I started with). But all of the ZASF versions have the same “unique identifier” (passed to setUniqueID), and prior to my latest release, they all also passed the same strings to getEffectName and getProductString. So Podium *MAY* not understand that there are multiple, incompatible versions lying around. If it is going behind my back and finding another copy of the DLL when the one it was expecting disappears, then I probably DO have mixed versions, and if so, then it is surprising that ANYTHING works at all.

    And I think we may have simultaneously hit on the solution. Last night I started with a new, clean folder for plugins, and put only one copy of ZASF in it (the same version I used in the project that is giving me fits), manually deleted ALL of the plugins in the “Devices” pane, set the plugin path to ONLY see my new folder, then did the rebuild and load plugin database. I think now my project is working. At least I have been playing with it for the better part of the day with no crashes, where 15 minutes without a crash was about all I could get before.

    So “Don’t fuck with the plugins” may very well be one of those “Podium ‘prefers’” rules, and if so I will just have to keep a nice, clean plugin folder just for podium, or maybe even a plugin folder per-project, and only let Reaper see the wild, wild west of my development area.

    But this does beg the question ( @Zynewave ) – what does Podium DO with the strings returned by setUniqueID, getEffectName, and getProductString? Are there any rules I should know to make Podium happier?

    The Telenator

    Just happened to see your response in my mail as was leaving the net, so thought I should put in another word. Podium is one of those DAWs that does not like to find multiple .dll’s of any plugin. Now, I haven’t tried the renaming trick that will work in some hosts, but I’ll guess it wouldn’t be too keen. So, if you will, let that be a layman response to GetName/String and all that. Some hosts will ‘see’ multiple copies, other will only get the first it reads. Some you can ‘fool’ with naming and such.

    Let me just put it simply: Podium is a very ‘precise’ system. Bet you can feel it. It doesn’t like funny stuff or trick fixes. It’s like you can tell Frits thought through every possible iota of every aspect when putting it together. Operates very precisely and just how it is meant to. DAWs like Reaper will do all sorts of crazy things at times, will run with all manner of files missing or lost, post a complaint message, and then go on running! Podium doesn’t like BS. So, I certainly wouldn’t leave other files and copies belonging to ZASF floating around anywhere Podium might read them. Give it one good version with presets or whatever just where its support folder is supposed to be located, etc.

    Some details, of course, are in the Guide for smooth operation. The Preferences, Audio/MIDI settings are all rather sparse affairs without a lot of extra options/controls, but just make sure everything is set up correctly and the connections, especially, are right. Yes, Podium is one of those DAWs that will want to lock up on you if things aren’t 100%. I have a folder in x86 right near VSTPlugins that I drag plugins and things I don’t want hosts to see — extra copies, altered versions, etc. Hope this helps!

    Yes, it gets everything from its .INI and plugindatabase in Roaming, so, yes, I keep those proper and always make copies of them to store away. I tend to test potentially buggy plugins elsewhere first, too. Must say, once you get the ‘zen’ of Podium it won’t give any further trouble.

    Didn’t know ZASF was open source but did hear a user option to make a DSSI out of it, I guess for Linux use. That did make me wonder. So, hack away!


    THanks Telenator. Sounds like I should only use my alpha versions in Reaper and then use Podium as the acid test once it reaches a beta stage, and keep a sparse plugins folder with copies of just the stuff I really need. Still hasn’t crashed so far with my one-plugin plugins folder 🙂

    VDXi has done an amazing job with the VST ZASF – I have found it to be quite stable in Podium since about version (I think he is at 496 now). If you have been shying away due to reliability worries, you might want to give it another try. It really is an amazing instrument.

    An interesting aside – ZASF was originally written for DOS, by a kid who did it because he couldn’t afford a synthesizer.


    Does Podium have any issues with multiple copies of a plugin within the path? Or different plugins that have the same internal name?

    That should not be an issue. Plugins are identified by their file path.

    what is the point of “rebuild plugin database” if it keeps pointers to deleted folders / plugins? And how do I tell it to actually start clean?

    Podium will try to reconfigure mappings of plugins that have moved location. If you have the same plugin filename in multiple folders, then this may cause the mappings to not be reassigned, and you’ll have to fix those mappings manually. The plugin combobox selectors in the arrangement editor should be highlighted in red if the referenced plugins are missing.


    Ishkabbible wrote:
    … what is the point of “rebuild plugin database” if it keeps pointers to deleted folders / plugins? And how do I tell it to actually start clean?

    Zynewave wrote:
    Podium will try to reconfigure mappings of plugins that have moved location… The plugin combobox selectors in the arrangement editor should be highlighted in red if the referenced plugins are missing.

    I truly appreciate that Podium handles plugins this way. Most other DAWs jettison note and automation arrangement objects when they can’t find the relevant plugin. In preserving that information, Podium allows a project to be salvaged. If I choose to abandon the referenced plugin, then I simply assign a replacement. All automation can be set to control new parameters while maintaining performance information.

    I agree with the Telenator, if you’re doing D.I.Y.s on your plugins, then maintain more than one
    [local disk]: > Users > … > AppData > Roaming > Zynewave > Podium > PluginDatabase.pod
    It’s also worth maintaining project templates:
    [local disk]: > Users > … > Documents > Zynewave Podium > Library > Project Templates > (templateA-Z).pod
    These can store custom device lists. Which in turn can be loaded via the device list menu:
    Devices – I/O, Busses, Plugins > Load Plugin Setup from Template > (templateA-Z)
    The benefit of a template’s device list is adaptability and neatness.
    One example is if you’re moving between hardware setups. Another is if you’ve renamed parameter objects – sometimes the plugin reports a name inconsistent with the plugin’s GUI. Here’s one I configured and includes submenus for parameters, consistent with the GUI:
    Image Hosted by<br/>

    This is done within Project Folder Page Mode. Speaking of which, Frits, when in a folder with lots of objects, the page doesn’t scroll when dragging.


    Image Hosted by<br/>


    …Podium allows a project to be salvaged…

    Very good points – I can see how that would be useful. Now that I understand what it is attempting to do I can hopefully NOT confuse it again 😀 and it just might grow on me.

    Thank you all for all the great pointers.

    And my apologies to @Zynewave – my project once again appears to be stable and not crashing (although the OK/Cancel button issue remains, the workaround is simple). PBKAC.


    Sorry to bang on about the device list in Podium, but I must add another tip 🙂

    Customizing parameter objects includes redefining their range. By default these are between 0…1 or 0…127. Say you have a parameter with 5 states, you can define a range of 1…5 and the vertical ruler in the automation editor will reflect this. Useful as selecting an automation point invokes a popup with the value at that point.

    Sorry again for my verbal diarrhoea :S


    Please don’t apologize, Levendis. I’m always interested in learning new tips & tricks. Keep ’em coming! 😀

    And I just upgraded the ZASF plugin to my latest greatest hacked version by deleting the old one and sticking the new one into my Podium-specific plugins folder, and Podium found the new copy and handled it flawlessly.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by ishkabbible.
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