Topic: Podium guide error…

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  • #512

    I am getting this error message when I open the Podium guide from the view menu in version 1.31 (full version).

    Could not open the Podium Guide.

    Please reinstall Podium to recover the missing guide files.

    I have reinstalled Podium and used the repair option as well but still nothing.

    Any ideas? 🙁


    The guide should be located at:

    C:Program FilesZynewavePodiumDocumentationguideindex.htm

    Could you check if the files are there on your system? Have you succeeded in opening the guide in the previous demo versions?


    Not sure about previous demo versions but that path you gave may answer my question.

    But it also leads to another question. Let me explain…Podium is not installed on my C drive so my guess is, that is why Podium cannot find the file, it’s probably looking in the wrong place. 😕

    As for the question it leads to…is it not possible to install Podium on another drive apart form C and have the Podium guide fully accessible from the view menu?

    I like to keep my System (windows) drive separate from Music applications. 😉


    I just tried installing Podium on my D: drive, and I get the same error. I’ll get this fixed for 1.32. The guide files are still installed to the correct place, so you can open the guide with the ‘Podium Guide’ item under the Zynewave group in the Windows start menu.



    Thanks Frits. Looking forward to 1.32. 8)

    Great Support! 🙂

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