Topic: Podium vs. Everyone else

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  • #740

    Hi Guys. I am an ex Samplitude user and am currently using Cubase and am not excited about the lack of stability. I just saw this app on KVR and am finding quickly that your message board is not infested with upset users who have to wait forever for an answer to their issues.

    I am going to download and try the demo when i get home form work. Can anyone enlighten me as to the short comings of podium and what I would have to look forword to as a future user?

    couple of specific questions too… How is VSTi support? Does the audio engine have any tonality issues? Stability in general?



    before i forget. Is there any looping and time streching support?



    Can anyone enlighten me as to the short comings of podium and what I would have to look forword to as a future user?

    As for the shortcomings, take a look at the ‘future development’ topic in the future forum. It lists some of the things yet to be implemented.

    How is VSTi support?

    There is full support for VST/VSTi.

    Does the audio engine have any tonality issues?

    If by tonality you mean if the engine colors the sound, then no.

    Is there any looping and time streching support?

    Basic looping/loop recording is supported. Time stretching is not.



    Hi kellyrobertmartin,

    Podium is very stable. You noticed the forum mood here as well then! It does stand out for sure.

    From my experience here Frits will only add features that he can fully maintain. So the product you will be using is fully tested and ready. In the highly unlikely event you actually find any bug at all…it will be fixed in the very next release. Seriously.

    Just tallking from experience on this forum and as a user. 😉

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