Topic: Podium’s output dB

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  • #2113

    I’m noticing that Podium’s output is very weak :S

    Just open AIMP or any other sound program, select same audio drivers that Podium and you’ll see this. With Podium I need to have my audio interface to high limir if I want hear the music loud enough. With winamp I have the volume at half of its limit. If I increase the master vol in podium it clips sooner than others programs.

    Why is happening this?

    Best regards


    Maybe some of the sound tools you have compared with apply compression to the output?

    Otherwise I can’t see why Podium should have lower sound output. I have never experienced that problem myself. If you have the opportunity, try comparing with a different audio driver, or with a different soundcard.


    My fail, sorry. I’m asleep yet. It was because I’m using headphones with more impedance 😳

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