Topic: preset problem

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  • #759

    how do i change synths, and add synths and presets? thanx hitman8081


    Have you read the getting started tutorial? It explains how to work with plugins.


    ive read/rwading the manual but i keep getting the preset, red or yellow circle problem. i can add a synth from map, even replace a synth, but when it comes time to add a new synth under the first, but using the 03 blue skin, i get a yellow circle. the error says, “a preset must be asigned to store changes made in the plugin editor” so, i clcik on preset panel and the yellow circle goes away, but when i play my midi keyboard or go the the pianoroll, i get no sound.


    Is it all synths that you have this problem with? If the synth has a native editor, try changing presets in the editor. Also make sure the MIDI input is assigned to the track, either by assigning it directly or by using the auto-assign feature.


    thanx. i understand now 🙂

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