Topic: Preview 2.14: New browser window and favorite folders

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  • #14856



    I want to report a bug. When I have Podium maximized, I minimize it, and later I restore it a new empty windows appears:


    Seems like there is another bug in the picture…some of the fader/meter-position switches show two enabled positions. I guess this should not happen.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    I want to report a bug. When I have Podium maximized, I minimize it, and later I restore it a new empty windows appears:

    Please email me your Podium.ini file.


    @ronin wrote:

    Seems like there is another bug in the picture…some of the fader/meter-position switches show two enabled positions. I guess this should not happen.

    It’s possible to set it up like that if you manually enable gain/meter in the track properties, instead of using the Fader/Meter submenus.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Please email me your Podium.ini file.

    Done 🙂


    Thanks for having another look at the Browser Frits. I initially thought the movement of the info box when the inspector is closed was a bug but it reappeared under the browser. I assume it is as intended. Very nice idea.

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    – Filters for the Project browser to view only VST/VSTi + parameters; VST presets; Audio/MIDI sequences; Automation sequences. (If possible to seperate all these)

    I can see the use for accessing sequences of different types, but why would you want VST filters when you have that directly in the inspector device panel?

    Seen as all the devices are available from the browser anyway, I thought you might as well have the ability to access everything in one place, if you wanted.

    This is a huge deal IMO. Totally agree one browser should be all that is needed. Why have two Frits? ❓ ❓ ❓

    Logic , Sonar, Tracktion, ACID, Ableton Live, Cubase e.t.c use one single browser. Even the new Presonus Studio one uses a single browser. I might add somewhat very similar to the placement in Podium, along with the look and feel. No need for two browsers as that would mean we have to move between the Inspector and the new browser. Slows things down Frits. Complicates workflow. Really.

    The browser is an extremely important part of a host as this is how a demo user or existing customer will consistently access all of their projects resources. It’s critical to get it right.

    I think we should have access to Presets, Parameters, Track templates, VST’s and VSTi’s and other devices from new browser. Definitely prefer having one browser open instead of two. An option could be added to show a large meter instead of the track panels as devices e.t.c could now be fully accessible in the new browser.

    There should be no need to switch back and forth between the browser and the Inspector panels that adds complication to working on Podium…using one browser makes it much easier. A user can of course easily select what they want to see in the new browser.

    The inspector shares functionality with the browser which IMO is OK to a point, but I think the two should now be separate (at least optionally) it may have been this way for a long time but I think it is a problem going forward with a need for two browsers to be open for simple tasks.

    Logic has a slick browser that allows all the browsing from *one* place with just four tabs. So much easier this way.

    1. Loops (Apple Loops)
    2. Browser (Instruments)
    3. Bin (Audio files)
    4. Library (Presets)

    Podium could add to the existing Project and File buttons…

    1. Project: (Project specific resources like audi and midi)
    2. File: (Browse user drive).
    3. Presets: ( FXP, Track templates e.t.c)
    4. Tempo Synced: If a user should browse in this window the file will tempo sync with the Project tempo. I suppose if Timestretch is implemented it could replace beatslicing.

    Some more ideas…


    1. Midi Preview

    This would be absolutely great. Surely a consideration for the new browser features as we are almost there.

    2. File Management

    Anything a user drags from the browser really should be automatically copied to the project folder. This has tripped me up many times leading to a search for the missing file or files.

    3. Search box

    In Live you can search for a file from within its browser. Really useful feature.

    4. File tagging

    5. Extend beat slicing to the Browser window (time stretching would be ideal here but without it if any audio file can be beatsliced in the browser then maybe some form of tempo sync can be attained if the project is playing back and a file is being previewed).

    I would imagine beat slicing (in the browser) to be something that can be added as an option.

    Simply ideal for the browser. Of course this is already used this way in many hosts already. It is an somewhat expected feature.


    1. Large Meter (with realtime db values)

    There will be plenty of space for this in the Inspector if Presets, Devices, e.t.c can be managed from the new browser. In any case it can be an optional Panel.

    2. Global SMR
    It would be great to not have to use keyboard shortcuts to simply solo or un solo a track or multiple tracks. Also it would eliminate the need for a user to zoom out to see where a solo has been added to a track e.t.c or having to use the Mixer to *see* it.

    With Global SMR or Arrangement level buttons, three of these buttons could be placed under the File, View and Edit buttons or next to the Group Panel and Colour Picker buttons in the GP.


    If you have a track or more you want to quickly disable or enable solo Mute or record for, you should easily be able to do so by clicking on one of those buttons. The current process we have has had me contantly accessing the current keyboard shortcut to do this as there is no other way currently.


    Plugin Gui docking (looking to have easy Plugin GUI access without any floating windows). If you are working on floating and docking windows please do consider this.



    @Conquistador wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    – Filters for the Project browser to view only VST/VSTi + parameters; VST presets; Audio/MIDI sequences; Automation sequences. (If possible to seperate all these)

    I can see the use for accessing sequences of different types, but why would you want VST filters when you have that directly in the inspector device panel?

    Seen as all the devices are available from the browser anyway, I thought you might as well have the ability to access everything in one place, if you wanted.

    This is a huge deal IMO. Totally agree one browser should be all that is needed. Why have two Frits? ❓ ❓ ❓

    Logic , Sonar, Tracktion, ACID, Ableton Live, Cubase e.t.c use one single browser. Even the new Presonus Studio one uses a single browser. I might add somewhat very similar to the placement in Podium, along with the look and feel. No need for two browsers as that would mean we have to move between the Inspector and the new browser. Slows things down Frits. Complicates workflow. Really.

    The browser is an extremely important part of a host as this is how a demo user or existing customer will consistently access all of their projects resources. It’s critical to get it right.

    I think we should have access to Presets, Parameters, Track templates, VST’s and VSTi’s and other devices from new browser. Definitely prefer having one browser open instead of two. An option could be added to show a large meter instead of the track panels as devices e.t.c could now be fully accessible in the new browser.

    There should be no need to switch back and forth between the browser and the Inspector panels that adds complication to working on Podium…using one browser makes it much easier. A user can of course easily select what they want to see in the new browser.

    The inspector shares functionality with the browser which IMO is OK to a point, but I think the two should now be separate (at least optionally) it may have been this way for a long time but I think it is a problem going forward with a need for two browsers to be open for simple tasks.

    Logic has a slick browser that allows all the browsing from *one* place with just four tabs. So much easier this way.

    1. Loops (Apple Loops)
    2. Browser (Instruments)
    3. Bin (Audio files)
    4. Library (Presets)

    The track inspector on the left side (closest to the track headers) shows all settings related to the currently selected track. The browser on the right side (closest to the timeline area) is a global file explorer from where you can drag files onto the timeline. That’s how it has always been in Podium, and that’s the same layout that e.g. Logic Audio uses. Why is that all of a sudden wrong?

    The ability to show a global project list in the browser has always been there. This project browser does not update according to the selected track, and so it would be a nightmare to try to use this to find presets etc. The project browser is optional and is mainly there to give advanced users a tool to manage their projects. That’s why it is hidden by default in the embedded browser.


    If you have a track or more you want to quickly disable or enable solo Mute or record for, you should easily be able to do so by clicking on one of those buttons. The current process we have has had me contantly accessing the current keyboard shortcut to do this as there is no other way currently.

    You already have SMR buttons on each track header. I don’t understand what you mean?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    The track inspector on the left side (closest to the track headers) shows all settings related to the currently selected track. The browser on the right side (closest to the timeline area) is a global file explorer from where you can drag files onto the timeline. That’s how it has always been in Podium, and that’s the same layout that e.g. Logic Audio uses. Why is that all of a sudden wrong?

    Not wrong Frits. 🙂 But not exactly the same not that it has to be in any case.

    Ok…Logic has a separate Inspector for track management but the resources for a song, Presets, FX chains, Loops e.t.c are accessible from it’s browser.

    I am not saying you should do away with the Inpsector but…Presets, Track templates, mappings would be better placed in the new browser. Not wrong all of a sudden in P2.14 but the browser would be more useful if the inspector was more track focused and the browser more project resource focused.

    If I start a project I then use the device Panel to drag in my plugins then scroll across to use another browser for my audio, midi files e.t.c. It is much better to use one browser for that which is how Logic works, Cubase as well. Podium does not have to mimic anything out there but IMO and this is what thcilnnahoj was referring to IIRC…one browser is easier to manage and is better than two for managng a songs resources. I would put plugins and presets e.t.c in that category as other hosts have for ease of use.

    The ability to show a global project list in the browser has always been there. This project browser does not update according to the selected track, and so it would be a nightmare to try to use this to find presets etc. The project browser is optional and is mainly there to give advanced users a tool to manage their projects. That’s why it is hidden by default in the embedded browser.

    True it does not update according to the selected track (now) but could it, if that is the way to add presets to the browser?

    You already have SMR buttons on each track header. I don’t understand what you mean?

    Ok let me explain in more detail 🙂 actually this is the best way to describe it, here…(with a screenshot).

    Not track level SMR, but arrangement level SMR. If any track or tracks in Podium are solo enabled the global or arrangement level S button will disable all tracks that are soloed. No need for a keyboard shortcut. Many times in Podium you can have tracks within tracks and it is not always easy to see what is solo or mute enabled especially in a large project.

    The global SMR buttons would be auto enabled if any Solo, Mute or Record command is enabled on any track. It would also let a user immeadiately see much more easily if any track (especially any hidden track) is solo, mute or record enabled.

    A simple click on any of these SMR buttons would disable Solo, Mute or Record for ALL tracks in an arrangement. You cannot do this in Podium currently without using a keyboard shortcut.

    The example I gave was using Samplitude in the link above. You could even try the Samplitude demo if you want to see what I mean hands on.



    Ugh… I certainly did not think ahead as far as you did, Conquistador. 😆

    However, I didn’t mean to say radically change both the browser and Inspector – just something along the lines of “Oh hey, all my devices are in here, too! But it looks a bit crowded… all those extra folders for parameters and presets… It’d be a waste to have this list and not be able to use it more easily.” – thus I suggested filters.
    I guess I didn’t realize it wasn’t meant to be used for selecting VSTs but for project management instead.

    I can see both your points, though, but don’t have much to contribute at the moment, so I’ll just give you two (semi-related) bits of information:
    1- I prefer dragging my VSTs from the inspector, as the distance is shorter!
    2- I actually drag all my audio files over from the Windows explorer. 😳


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Please email me your Podium.ini file.

    Done 🙂

    Thanks. Please try the new beta4, and let me know if this fixes the problem. If you find no other issues, 2.14 is ready for release.


    It’s fixed thanks. atm I don’t find any problems

    best regards

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