Topic: Preview 2.20: Various UI improvements

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  • #16077

    @swindus wrote:

    The one and only Podium customer? Frits is not your personal developer slave.

    Not the only one, but I’m still customer. And when i am a customer, his should treat me that way. You know that aphorism “customer is always right”.

    pj geerlings

    @Markus wrote:

    @Slomo wrote:

    Time to put baby in the corner…

    Will you come to read me bedtime stories?

    Personally, I love Dr Seuss …

    The top of the list is The Sneetches and Other Stories but for you I think the best book (to read to you) would be If I Ran the Zoo – fantastic stuff!!


    >You were right to purchase Podium – as far as I can tell Frits is a world class developer and as passionate as they come regarding his wondrous creation
    >You have the right to make your particular needs known
    >You have the right to express genuine frustrations
    >You do not have the right (because you don’t run the zoo – see above) to expect things to change arbitrarily. The outcome (if you read the book) is complete chaos 😉

    But, then again, I reminded of another old saying: “You can’t win ‘em all”




    Well.. I was quiet couple days, and so was the forum too. If nothing else i bring some lifness here! 😀

    If we look this 2.20 tread, there is request all over and frits has fill them. My “all in one” request is 2 month old. As like i said, it would take like one coffee break to code that addition in selection tool. Did i ask really so much?

    And i want it to selection tool cause i like douple click to draw notes. Live works similar way.


    Got another one: When adding a new track by drag-n-dropping an instrument from the inspector, it’d be good if the track was selected automatically, so auto-assigned MIDI input goes straight to the new instrument! (Saw that in a Studio One video just now :oops:)


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Got another one: When adding a new track by drag-n-dropping an instrument from the inspector, it’d be good if the track was selected automatically, so auto-assigned MIDI input goes straight to the new instrument! (Saw that in a Studio One video just now :oops:)

    I like this too, but it doesnt gonna happen cause i want it :clown:


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @kyran wrote:

    1. The spacebar should always control the transport, regardless of the current focus

    Some plugin editors uses the spacebar key for its own purposes, and thus steals the spacebar keypress so that it never reaches the host. Also, all listboxes in the Podium UI is using the same standard key/mouse shortcuts as used by Windows, so in that case the spacebar is used to toggle elements in a listbox selection. Using the numeric 0 and return key to stop/start is more likely to work no matter where the key focus is.

    I would love to have this too. This is really annoying thing. So 1+ for force space bar thing.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Got another one: When adding a new track by drag-n-dropping an instrument from the inspector, it’d be good if the track was selected automatically, so auto-assigned MIDI input goes straight to the new instrument! (Saw that in a Studio One video just now :oops:)

    Good one 🙂


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Hey Frits, this is a bug (I think it’s a bug) present in olders Podium version also, but I didn’t know how replicate it, now I do know. The bug is that sometimes you cannot delete selected clip in arrangement view with SUPR key (DELETE).

    Create any clip in any track, and edit it (add notes/audio/…). Then rotate between profiles with F8 until you reach again the original profile. now try to erase the clip with DELETE/SUPR key, you cannot.

    Got it!. Fixed. Thanks.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Good point. Since the navigator has been added, it’s no longer needed to use the timeline ruler to slide. I’ve changed the default to be cursor grab instead.

    A few things…

    1. While the Navigator is very useful it still does not have any handles on either side of it. This is a much needed UI change. It’s not obvious how to move it. Could you please give serious consideration to some sort of indicator or similar to both sides of the Navigator before 2.20 is finished **please**. It *really* needs it. Even a small semi transparent handle on either side would be enough.

    2. Also the horizontal slider…I really would like to see that back as a default. I use the Navigator but not that much. It’s not ideal for every horizontal task IMO. Why remove the horizontal bar? Puzzling IMO. :-s

    I have some ideas for a new feature that would include a solution for global SMR, so maybe I’ll work on that for 2.21.

    That would be great thanks!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


    @Conquistador wrote:

    1. While the Navigator is very useful it still does not have any handles on either side of it. This is a much needed UI change. It’s not obvious how to move it. Could you please give serious consideration to some sort of indicator or similar to both sides of the Navigator before 2.20 is finished **please**. It *really* needs it. Even a small semi transparent handle on either side would be enough.

    It already has a semi transparent handle on both sides. You’ve mentioned this quite a few times now, but you’ll have to create a mockup image so that I can see what you are suggesting.

    2. Also the horizontal slider…I really would like to see that back as a default. I use the Navigator but not that much. It’s not ideal for every horizontal task IMO. Why remove the horizontal bar? Puzzling IMO. :-s

    I removed the scrollbar to save space. The navigator is essentially a scrollbar, only it shows a miniature of the timeline data in the background. To me it seems pointless to have both a navigator and a scrollbar in the same editor.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Found a bug related to window updates:
    With the Timeline editor open create a new MIDI event and immediately expand it by keeping the mouse button held and dragging right. The editor will only show the segment that was created before resizing.

    I’ve now changed it so that once the mouse is released, the embedded editor is updated with the final size of the sequence event.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Got another one: When adding a new track by drag-n-dropping an instrument from the inspector, it’d be good if the track was selected automatically, so auto-assigned MIDI input goes straight to the new instrument! (Saw that in a Studio One video just now :oops:)

    Done, but only because Markus wanted it too. :-#

    And that’s it for 2.20 =;

    I’ll release it tomorrow.


    Very nice! 🙂

    Even though you say shop’s closed, I’ll quickly try and pitch this one again, on the off chance that you missed it:

    Add a default track color to the default setup color settings. Grey events/notes on grey background are not the prettiest thing to look at, and totally new users might be turned off. The coloring feature could be nicely displayed if all tracks were colored already, and it would also automatically activate the color picker in the inspector, which you can’t miss then on opening your first project ever.

    Very easy to do and would help, in my opinion. Even if you set the same gray as the default color it would at least still show the color picker. Otherwise the track coloring options might be a bit too deeply buried in menus for new users to pick up.


    Thanks Frits! 😀

    thcilnnahoj wrote:
    Add a default track color to the default setup color settings. Grey events/notes on grey background are not the prettiest thing to look at, and totally new users might be turned off. The coloring feature could be nicely displayed if all tracks were colored already, and it would also automatically activate the color picker in the inspector, which you can’t miss then on opening your first project ever./quote]
    Thats a good and easy one! I always wondered why I have to enable track coloring explicitly. Enabled as default and the same grey value would be fine.
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