Topic: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack

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  • #17043

    Beta5 is up.

    There’s a new “Editor” option button in the inspector parameter panel. Selecting this option will show checkboxes in the parameter list, for adding/removing parameters to the rack and mixer embedded editors.

    Beta5 also has various minor changes all around. Such as: Empty rack editors show “No parameters are added to the rack editor” (let me know if you can come up with a better message). Renamed the menus for managing embedded parameters. The 64 maximum limit is removed from the “add all…” command, and instead a dialog pops up to ask if the user really wants to add so many parameters.

    I think I’m done adding features to 2.24, unless you guys can think of something essential that is missing. I’ll start perusing the bug reports tomorrow. I hope to have a release ready for the weekend.


    That solution you came up with for selecting which parameters to be embedded (in the mixer too!) is nothing short of fantastic. 8)

    So Voyager has a menacing 1024 parameters… most of which seem to be placeholders. FF Volcano on the other hand has 666. 😈

    Umm… a minor mixer strip docking problem: If you put too many effects (or with 2.24 – too many parameters!) on them, they’ll start to extend beyond the screen like any other track. However, since they are docked – thus not affected by the non-docked tracks’ vertical scrollbar, and have no scrollbar of their own either, it could become a problem.
    It’s an unlikely case that one would really run out of space even after adjusting mixer height or hiding a few elements, but it’s still a little weird.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Good morning. It’s nice the mixer zoom πŸ™‚ I’d like that meters were scaled too, and volume faders keep at the left of each strip when zooming. I consider it more classy.

    Wider meters will require a bit of work, so that will come in a later release.

    The fader and meter share the meter dB markings. The translucent fader slides on top of the markings so that you can use the dB markings as hints for what the fader dB value is. If the fader is moved to the left edge, you would lose that link.

    The fader wouldn’t have to move over alone, though.

    A tad too extreme? πŸ˜›


    @Zynewave wrote:

    There’s a new “Editor” option button in the inspector parameter panel. Selecting this option will show checkboxes in the parameter list, for adding/removing parameters to the rack and mixer embedded editors.

    Glad you finally had done it! Thanks you! Now F4 get sense for me πŸ˜›

    @Zynewave wrote:

    That’s exactly the way the EQ looked before 2.24 – you really never used it? πŸ™‚
    I think the new curve display makes more sense, but I’m fine with either.

    No 😳 I only had played a little with it, because I had other VSTs (not free) before met Podium. Now I’m looking for alternatives, I’m getting rid from my old vst collection, and zPEQ is perfect (well except colours for me, but I’ll try to adapt to them).


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    The fader wouldn’t have to move over alone, though.

    A tad too extreme? πŸ˜›

    Nah! I love fat meters and thin girls! πŸ˜†

    edit: btw, are you done with Inspector changes? I’d like to suggest a last thing to Track panel. I find thorny look for a clip in track panel because they’re repeated lots of times, maybe you could avoid this repetition.


    edit: *this is a possible bug, it isnt’ a mockup or FR*

    I don’t know if you’re aware of this mini-font:

    To replicate add a mda DX10 (maybe any plugin), add all parameters and do the inspector the thinnest you can.

    Best regards


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    I don’t know if you’re aware of this minismall font:

    To replicate add a mda DX10 (maybe any plugin), add all parameters and do the inspector the thinnest you can.

    Best regards

    If you are asking for smaller fonts in the Inspector then by all means yes if that is what you want, but only if it will be optional please (Frits). The text in the mixer and tracks is small enough as it is. I am quite happy for anyone to have smaller text wherever they want it (why not?) but don’t see any reason why it should be shrunk for everyone. πŸ˜‰

    @Frits I asked this earlier…where has the option to increase the size of text in the mixer and / or tracks been moved to? I can’t find it anywhere.


    No Conquistador, that was a bug report not a feature request. I don’t want those mini fonts! Try to replicate it πŸ™‚


    If you drag a vst from windows explorer to Devices list, it isn’t imported, which is expected (?). But now you cannot import it with usual “Import plugin…” option from Devices menu until you restart Podium.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    No Conquistador, that was a bug report not a feature request. I don’t want those mini fonts! Try to replicate it πŸ™‚

    Ok (sorry I misunderstood you) 😳 a bug report it is then πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

    Funny enough…FWIW I cannot replicate it. I am running a 1900 x 1200 screen here and a font as tiny as the one in your image would be practically indecipherable at 1900 x 1200, so I would definitely notice it if I was able to replicate it here. I just thought I would try the “import plugin” bug you mentioned and I cannot replicate that either. Beta 5.

    Of course something is wrong somewhere if you are having those problems but I am just not seeing it here. It might be because I am on W7 x64. Not sure if you are running the same OS. :-k

    @ Frits

    Could you please detach the colour settings for the Editor Profile bar buttons from the Mixers Show / Hide buttons (Top left of Mixer) as any change a user makes to the colours affects both sets of buttons.

    The problem here is when a button is selected in the Editor Profile bar, white text appears. If you have a dark colour that is great and works well but…now the Show / Hide buttons above the zoom button are barely legible.

    Switch to a much lighter colour to see the show hide button text properly and now you can barely make out the text on any of the Editor Profile buttons when selected.

    Removing the link between the colour settings for the Editor Profile Bar and the Mixers Show / Hide buttons should solve that problem.

    Fuzzy text…

    More on this…I am seeing sharper text in the inspector (even smaller embedded parameter text is pin sharp and very clear) compared to the track or mixer…its like there is a slight fuzziness of fuzzy filter over the track and mixer strips.

    In Reaper for instance even though the text size for inserts looks exactly the same as Podiums mixer inserts text size, its definitely sharper and easier to read in Reaper. Smaller text actually works quite well in Reaper but it has some sort of strange additional text smoothing going on in Podium that does not really work well at all IMO. ❓ ❓ :-k

    Malcolm Jacobson

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Empty rack editors show “No parameters are added to the rack editor” (let me know if you can come up with a better message).

    I would suggest “Add Parameters”.

    Tried this new feature with Alchemy and Stylus RMX. It worked well with Alchemy, but adding Stylus RMX parameters takes 3 to 4 seconds per check box.

    Mixer zoom is very nice. πŸ™‚




    Clicking in the empty rack editor could show the list to add a parameter.
    I’d also like a button to toggle an automation track for a parameter in the rack editor (or right click -> add automation track)

    apart from that, no real suggestions: it’s a brilliant addition πŸ™‚


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    A tad too extreme? πŸ˜›

    Lovely mock up. πŸ™‚ Do you have a beta ready πŸ˜› Or are you perhaps running a secret Wide meter beta™ for Frits? 8-[ πŸ˜› Seriously that does look very nice. 8)

    Too extreme…? Not nearly. Quite normal. I think the more detail you have, the better. Meter Width is a very good thing for meters. Below is just one example of how wide meters can work very well indeed. Podiums mixer can be dragged upwards so your mock up in theory could achieve a comparable level of presentation and functionality as the meters in this image (but in Podium…)

    @Malcolm Jacobson wrote:

    I would suggest “Add Parameters”.

    Agreed. It uses fewer words and will encourage users to try it out. It makes a quick and short suggestion regarding what to do instead of telling them what they have not done…“No parameters are added to the rack editor”. I do think your suggestion is better I also think Frits will likely take it onboard. It uses less text and its more prescriptive than descriptive.


    Is there any reason that the mixer right-click menu does not also have “Remove all Parameters”?

    Given that the mixer and rack are treated separately, I think it would make sense to have this option here as well.

    Has anyone found a plugin with more parameters than Guitar Rig 3 😯


    @Conquistador wrote:

    Ok (sorry I misunderstood you) 😳 a bug report it is then πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

    Funny enough…FWIW I cannot replicate it. I am running a 1900 x 1200 screen here and a font as tiny as the one in your image would be practically indecipherable at 1900 x 1200, so I would definitely notice it if I was able to replicate it here. I just thought I would try the “import plugin” bug you mentioned and I cannot replicate that either. Beta 5.

    It doesn’t matter man πŸ˜‰ Anyway Podium shouldn’t be in full screen mode. When Podium isn’t maximized is when you can replicate the bug.

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