Topic: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack

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  • #17061

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    @Conquistador wrote:

    Ok (sorry I misunderstood you) 😳 a bug report it is then πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

    Funny enough…FWIW I cannot replicate it. I am running a 1900 x 1200 screen here and a font as tiny as the one in your image would be practically indecipherable at 1900 x 1200, so I would definitely notice it if I was able to replicate it here. I just thought I would try the “import plugin” bug you mentioned and I cannot replicate that either. Beta 5.

    It doesn’t matter man πŸ˜‰ Anyway Podium shouldn’t be in full screen mode. When Podium isn’t maximized is when you can replicate the bug.

    Still cannot replicate it. Sorry. Podium was definitely not maximised this time. I Minimised and Maximised several times and when minimised I moved the GUI around and reduced the size of the Podium screen even further, still no problem with the text for the DX10 parameters. Our set ups of course are different (likely in more than a few ways) so something is triggering that problem on your system but here I just cannot see it. Hopefully Frits can reproduce it :-k


    You must reduce inspector width to the minimun. Anyway later I’ll try in my other PC, where I make music, and I’ll confirm. Because in this system is 100% replicable.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    You must reduce inspector width to the minimun.

    FWIW, I was able to replicate this issue pretty easily. I added a bunch of parameters and then did a drag on the side of the window to make the inspector smaller. It happens right at the end of the drag operation.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    The fader wouldn’t have to move over alone, though.

    That’s exactly how I envisaged it when it was first suggested. I like it πŸ™‚

    @Malcolm Jacobson wrote:

    I would suggest “Add Parameters”

    How about “Add Plugin Parameters” for absolute clarity?

    Edit: Further thoughts. Using “add parameters” encourages the user to click on the text in the expectation that the option to add parameters will be available there, rather than where it is currently. Would it be possible to move the right-click add parameters menu to the “…parameters” text?



    @kingtubby wrote:

    Edit: Further thoughts. Using “add parameters” encourages the user to click on the text in the expectation that the option to add parameters will be available there, rather than where it is currently. Would it be possible to move the right-click add parameters menu to the “…parameters” text?

    @ Kingtubby

    I was just thinking the exact same thing… πŸ™‚ I was just trying to repro LP’s inspector bug (especially as UA made it sound so easy to do :P) and I instinctively clicked on the “No parameters are added to the rack editor” text expecting the Parameter list to show up.

    So yeah…that is an even better idea. i would be much happier with parameter choices being made available after clicking on the text instead of a right click menu in this case.

    @ LP and UA…

    Yup…now I can repro that bug. It seems to only appear when the inspector is dragged as far left as possible (as you both said) but also only when the scroll bar appears. I also noticed that it seems to go away even when the inspector is dragged fully left if the divider between the Rack and Track panel is pulled down far enough so that the scroll bar is not visible.
    Strange. :-k


    The rack uses a smaller font if you set “use small size” in its options. The embedded parameter text in the rack only uses the two-lined display method (like in the mixer) only when the rack has a scrollbar and is resized small enough. I’m not sure if that’s really a bug…
    By the way, there’re also sometimes text overlaps. (Example: smallest rack size without scrollbar. If there were enough parameters to merit a scrollbar, it would switch to displaying separate lines for parameter name and value.)

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Frits I asked this earlier…where has the option to increase the size of text in the mixer and / or tracks been moved to? I can’t find it anywhere.

    At the moment, there’s only the small mixer font size left. During the 2.23 beta’s, there was still an option for that (after you yourself, among others) found the selector buttons too big for the mixer. Maybe that’s changed since they can be zoomed now. In that case, I hope Frits hasn’t fed his code to the shredder…! (Font size option’s still there in the rack, by the way :wink:)


    @Conquistador wrote:

    It seems to only appear when the inspector is dragged as far left as possible (as you both said) but also only when the scroll bar appears.

    That was my missing piece! I was scratching my head because I couldn’t replicate here in home.

    @Conquistador wrote:

    I instinctively clicked on the “No parameters are added to the rack editor” text expecting the Parameter list to show up.

    Me too.


    @Conquistador wrote:

    @ Frits

    Could you please detach the colour settings for the Editor Profile bar buttons from the Mixers Show / Hide buttons (Top left of Mixer) as any change a user makes to the colours affects both sets of buttons.

    The problem here is when a button is selected in the Editor Profile bar, white text appears. If you have a dark colour that is great and works well but…now the Show / Hide buttons above the zoom button are barely legible.

    Switch to a much lighter colour to see the show hide button text properly and now you can barely make out the text on any of the Editor Profile buttons when selected.

    Removing the link between the colour settings for the Editor Profile Bar and the Mixers Show / Hide buttons should solve that problem.

    Yeah, I mentioned this too, I believe, though with a different solution. It doesn’t only affect the mixer buttons but almost all icons. πŸ™
    Try the track select buttons in the rack for an example how it’s done right!

    Most of the icons in Podium have issues with dark backgrounds, and so the new mixer options buttons also don’t agree with my dark selection colors.
    An exception are the nicely done track select buttons in the rack. I hope that some day, the rest of the icons will be able to follow suit. O:)


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Frits I asked this earlier…where has the option to increase the size of text in the mixer and / or tracks been moved to? I can’t find it anywhere.

    At the moment, there’s only the small mixer font size left. During the 2.23 beta’s, there was still an option for that (after you yourself, among others) found the selector buttons too big for the mixer. Maybe that’s changed since they can be zoomed now. In that case, I hope Frits hasn’t fed his code to the shredder…! (Font size option’s still there in the rack, by the way :wink:)

    Yes they were awkward in size but it was the button size not really the text that was my problem. I guess the silence from Frits is due to him digging through that code shredder looking for that option πŸ˜›

    I wonder what went through Frits mind after reading my question about larger text in the mixer in this thread…perhaps it went something like this…:P

    :-k “oh no…I think it has been deleted”


    :-s “where is that line of code already? I am sure it was here this morning” 8-[


    :frustrated: “Conquistador just had to ask for this now didn’t he? Typical CQSD post eh? Why am I not surprised? It will take months for me to shove that code back into Podium without breaking 10 other just had to be Conquistador asking for this” πŸ™„


    :-({|= “Oh well…time for some guitar” πŸ˜‰

    “Arrgh if I could just find that silly line of code”#-o #-o #-o

    It appears he has deleted that option a long time ago during beta 2.23 (gulp). I don’t remember him asking if anyone wanted the option there so I assumed he would leave it there and certainly not delete it from Podium. ❗

    @ Frits if you get the small text in Podiums track /mixer inserts, Source and input to be as sharp as Reaper or even Samplitude (after a brief check here) then I could do without the option to make them larger. Hope that helps.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Yeah, I mentioned this too, I believe, though with a different solution. It doesn’t only affect the mixer buttons but almost all icons. πŸ™
    Try the track select buttons in the rack for an example how it’s done right!

    Thanks for pointing that out. So it seems this problem is not isolated to the Mixer and Editor Profile bar. :-k It kind of goes against the other recent graphical enhancements in Podium. Hopefully Frits can have another look at this problem.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Umm… a minor mixer strip docking problem: If you put too many effects (or with 2.24 – too many parameters!) on them, they’ll start to extend beyond the screen like any other track. However, since they are docked – thus not affected by the non-docked tracks’ vertical scrollbar, and have no scrollbar of their own either, it could become a problem.
    It’s an unlikely case that one would really run out of space even after adjusting mixer height or hiding a few elements, but it’s still a little weird.

    I assume you mean the docked master and return tracks. I’ll try to fix it so that the vertical scrollbar appears here too.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    edit: *this is a possible bug, it isnt’ a mockup or FR*

    I don’t know if you’re aware of this mini-font:

    To replicate add a mda DX10 (maybe any plugin), add all parameters and do the inspector the thinnest you can.

    Best regards

    That’s not a bug, it’s a new feature. I insist πŸ˜‰

    You’ll see the same if you open a generic editor window and resize it. In previous releases, when you resized the editor to narrow the width, the parameter name and value texts would eventually overlap each other, making them unreadable. Now they are placed on double lines when the width reaches below 200 pixels. I chose to use the smaller font in this case to save vertical space.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    edit: btw, are you done with Inspector changes? I’d like to suggest a last thing to Track panel. I find thorny look for a clip in track panel because they’re repeated lots of times, maybe you could avoid this repetition.

    Changes to the track panel event list will not fit into this release, and I also have other important updates lined up for the coming releases.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    If you drag a vst from windows explorer to Devices list, it isn’t imported, which is expected (?). But now you cannot import it with usual “Import plugin…” option from Devices menu until you restart Podium.

    It’s working fine here. Please clarify.


    Hello πŸ™‚

    I’m tried now in my “official PC” and I can replicate here too. I’m talking about this last bug where you’re asking for clarifications. Both are XP Home, SP3. Tested with mda DX10 and Bifilter (free version)

    If I drag a *.dll from any “My PC” windows to Device list, it isn’t added. After that if I click on Device button and I select “Import plugin…” when I browse for the plugin (dll) and I open it, it isn’t added either.

    Later I restart Podium and I try to import the dll using again “Import plugin” (without previous drag operation) it works.

    Of course Podium isn’t maximized in this process. I hope this is clear enough, anyone can try to replicate it?

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