Topic: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack

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  • #17121

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Before this update I never used zPEQ, now that it’s my default EQ I found something very confusing: the colours. When you mix diferent filters (parametric, LP, BP…) the colours doesn’t help at all: They difficult my vision. If you think this is ok, please consider this small change:

    The one on the right is how zPEQ appeared previously. I’ve changed it to try to make it clearer to what extent the EQ is changing the sound. With the introduction of the embedded EQ in the mixer strips, you suddenly can have a lot of EQ curves on screen, and if they all would have half their display filled with the curve, even when there are no EQ bands enabled, it would be difficult to glance over the EQs to see what they did to the sound.


    @Conquistador wrote:

    Fuzzy text…

    More on this…I am seeing sharper text in the inspector (even smaller embedded parameter text is pin sharp and very clear) compared to the track or mixer…its like there is a slight fuzziness of fuzzy filter over the track and mixer strips.

    In Reaper for instance even though the text size for inserts looks exactly the same as Podiums mixer inserts text size, its definitely sharper and easier to read in Reaper. Smaller text actually works quite well in Reaper but it has some sort of strange additional text smoothing going on in Podium that does not really work well at all IMO. ❓ ❓ :-k

    Puzzling. The font used in the inspector (with small size option) is the same as used in the mixer. Maybe you just need to wipe your monitor with a damp piece of cloth? 😛

    Please post/email a screenshot showing the problem. Note that the fonts used in Podium will be anti-aliased if you have the ClearType option enabled in Windows.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @ Frits

    Could you please detach the colour settings for the Editor Profile bar buttons from the Mixers Show / Hide buttons (Top left of Mixer) as any change a user makes to the colours affects both sets of buttons.

    The problem here is when a button is selected in the Editor Profile bar, white text appears. If you have a dark colour that is great and works well but…now the Show / Hide buttons above the zoom button are barely legible.

    Switch to a much lighter colour to see the show hide button text properly and now you can barely make out the text on any of the Editor Profile buttons when selected.

    Removing the link between the colour settings for the Editor Profile Bar and the Mixers Show / Hide buttons should solve that problem.

    Yeah, I mentioned this too, I believe, though with a different solution. It doesn’t only affect the mixer buttons but almost all icons. 🙁
    Try the track select buttons in the rack for an example how it’s done right!

    Most of the icons in Podium have issues with dark backgrounds, and so the new mixer options buttons also don’t agree with my dark selection colors.
    An exception are the nicely done track select buttons in the rack. I hope that some day, the rest of the icons will be able to follow suit. O:)

    The problem is that some of the icons are photographic images with multiple color shades, meaning that they cannot easily be filled with the current text color in the color scheme. It’s gonna require some work, but I’ll try experimenting with dyeing the images.


    @Conquistador wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Frits I asked this earlier…where has the option to increase the size of text in the mixer and / or tracks been moved to? I can’t find it anywhere.

    At the moment, there’s only the small mixer font size left. During the 2.23 beta’s, there was still an option for that (after you yourself, among others) found the selector buttons too big for the mixer. Maybe that’s changed since they can be zoomed now. In that case, I hope Frits hasn’t fed his code to the shredder…! (Font size option’s still there in the rack, by the way :wink:)

    Yes they were awkward in size but it was the button size not really the text that was my problem. I guess the silence from Frits is due to him digging through that code shredder looking for that option 😛

    The “small font” option was made permanent when the new smaller buttons were implemented in 2.23. The normal font is too big for the smaller buttons. I had a look at screenshots of mixers in other hosts, and from what I can see it is quite common to use a small font in mixer effect slots.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Puzzling. The font used in the inspector (with small size option) is the same as used in the mixer. Maybe you just need to wipe your monitor with a damp piece of cloth? 😛

    Damp cloth? Only if you send me one of those new Zynwave monitor wipes with free shipping. ➡ :mrgreen: 😛

    Please post/email a screenshot showing the problem. Note that the fonts used in Podium will be anti-aliased if you have the ClearType option enabled in Windows.

    That was it. ClearType. =D> I had Samplitude and Reapers Mixers up and tested with Clear type on and off and it made no difference to the mixer inserts in those hosts. None. The text remained quite sharp.

    Podium…it was easily clear the difference it made. The absence of font smoothing in Podium matched the other two hosts for clarity. The other two apps text (for inserts) made the text appear clearer and sharper as there is no font smoothing. Font smoothing really does not appear to work well with very small text but when switched off one can easily make out even a very small font size in Podiums mixer. (Inserts in this case).

    The “small font” option was made permanent when the new smaller buttons were implemented in 2.23. The normal font is too big for the smaller buttons. I had a look at screenshots of mixers in other hosts, and from what I can see it is quite common to use a small font in mixer effect slots.

    Indeed the fonts used in Samplitude and Reapers mixer inserts is AFAICT exactly the same size as Podium

    So is there a solution or halfway house here? Well I don’t think enlarging the text will help as there is probably no need, I don’t think you need to sharpen the text either but…Samplitude and Reaper appear to disable font smoothing for their Mixer inserts perhaps to avoid the problem I had with smaller text not really benefiting from it and losing some degree of definition.

    So can you please add an option to disable font smoothing / aliasing for the track and mixer inserts as well as source and input text in the mixer and tracks? That would solve the problem completely, having tested Podium with ClearType on (Tracks and Mixer inserts + Source, Input text) and comparing with it off.

    Can you please add this option? 🙂


    @Zynewave wrote:

    The problem is that some of the icons are photographic images with multiple color shades, meaning that they cannot easily be filled with the current text color in the color scheme. It’s gonna require some work, but I’ll try experimenting with dyeing the images.

    Thanks for the explanation. It did seem strange but makes more sense now. Looking forward to your experiments. 🙂


    @Conquistador wrote:

    Please post/email a screenshot showing the problem. Note that the fonts used in Podium will be anti-aliased if you have the ClearType option enabled in Windows.

    That was it. ClearType. =D> I had Samplitude and Reapers Mixers up and tested with Clear type on and off and it made no difference to the mixer inserts in those hosts. None. The text remained quite sharp.

    Podium…it was easily clear the difference it made. The absence of font smoothing in Podium matched the other two hosts for clarity. The other two apps text (for inserts) made the text appear clearer and sharper as there is no font smoothing. Font smoothing really does not appear to work well with very small text but when switched off one can easily make out even a very small font size in Podiums mixer. (Inserts in this case).

    The “small font” option was made permanent when the new smaller buttons were implemented in 2.23. The normal font is too big for the smaller buttons. I had a look at screenshots of mixers in other hosts, and from what I can see it is quite common to use a small font in mixer effect slots.

    Indeed the fonts used in Samplitude and Reapers mixer inserts is AFAICT exactly the same size as Podium

    So is there a solution or halfway house here? Well I don’t think enlarging the text will help as there is probably no need, I don’t think you need to sharpen the text either but…Samplitude and Reaper appear to disable font smoothing for their Mixer inserts perhaps to avoid the problem I had with smaller text not really benefiting from it and losing some degree of definition.

    So can you please add an option to disable font smoothing / aliasing for the track and mixer inserts as well as source and input text in the mixer and tracks? That would solve the problem completely, having tested Podium with ClearType on (Tracks and Mixer inserts + Source, Input text) and comparing with it off.

    Can you please add this option? 🙂

    I’m surprised that you think the aliased font looks clearer than the anti-aliased font. I have the opposite perception. Maybe it looks different on Windows 7. Please post a screenshot, or compare with my earlier screenshot on page2.

    I’ve seen screenshots of Reaper skins that use anti-aliased fonts, so maybe it depends on whether the default fonts used in Reaper does not support anti-aliasing. Or is there an option for this in the Reaper preferences?

    Anyone else has an opinion on this?


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Frits, Podium crashes 100% of times when you try to beat slice any 8-bit sample , mono or stereo.

    best regards

    Fixed. Thanks.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Question: Since the selected embedded parameters remain the same across different arrangements, I assume they stored within the project (or the device definitions) then. If so, would it be possible (without too much trouble on your end) to export such a parameter list setup to reuse in other projects?

    The two flags for rack/mixer embedding are stored in the properties of the parameter object. I could add two check-boxes to the parameter properties dialog, but I don’t think that is necessary. If you save a track template then the flags will be included. The embedded flags will be recalled if you load the template into another project, unless that project already has a definition for the plugin.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’m surprised that you think the aliased font looks clearer than the anti-aliased font. I have the opposite perception. Maybe it looks different on Windows 7.

    Could be different on Windows 7…but I also much prefer anti aliased fonts just not for very small text.

    That is why I suggested an option to disable anti aliasing for the Mixer and Tracks Inserts, Source and Input buttons (only). Not for the entire Podium interface. That could easily be achieved for the most part by simply not using ClearType at all. But that solution will cost me ClearType usage elsewhere in Podium for bigger text where it is very useful.

    Disabling anti aliasing for other areas in Podium is not of any interest to me. The rest of Podium benefits hugely from anti aliasing as do 99% of other areas of Windows and other apps.

    Please post a screenshot, or compare with my earlier screenshot on page2.

    Ok will do.

    I’ve seen screenshots of Reaper skins that use anti-aliased fonts, so maybe it depends on whether the default fonts used in Reaper does not support anti-aliasing. Or is there an option for this in the Reaper preferences?

    I just fired up the Reaper demo for a quick comparison but I’ll check and see.


    I am surprised but it appears Reaper does use anti aliasing but not as strong as Podium by default. I say this because this option reduces antialising but both settings in Reaper (on or off) are clearer than Podium with ClearType on. Its as if Podiums fontsmoothing is a bit too heavy. Or there is some other approach Reaper uses to successfully minimize fuzzy text or…small text that is not too well defined.:-k

    A description of the option under the arrow can be found next to the “Find” button. My cursor was resting over the option to get the info line.

    I am not an expert on text so feel free to correct if I am wrong but I am going by what I see. I’ll get a screen shot up to compare.


    Screenshots as promised… 😉

    This is with ClearType on. Reaper IMO has much clearer text compared to Podium here. I really do not know why Podium looks much less clear compared to Reaper :-k

    Podium is on the left and Reaper is on the right. Look at the “Fabfilter Timeless” text for the inserts.

    But if I switch off ClearType…can you spot the difference between the two applications “Fabfilter Timeless” text now? I can hardly tell them apart…below…

    Podium is far sharper than the first image now that Cleartype is off and matches (maybe even goes further than) Reapers text for clarity in the second image. Quite a difference and quite easy to see IMO with those screen shots.

    So Podium it appears benefits clearly from having anti aliasing disabled for certain areas (inserts on tracks and mixer strips) but anti aliasing is very helpful elsewhere in Podium that is why I think adding some kind of option to disable anti aliasing for the Insert, Source and Input buttons (just for the tracks and mixer strips) will solve this problem.

    I hope that helps.


    @kingtubby wrote:

    The default dial position of the pitch control in zPitch is wrong when enabled in the mixer. When ctrl-clicking on it to set it to the default position (0 cents) it goes to -1200 cents. In fact it’s the same with all the controls in zReverb too. It seems that in the mixer, all the enabled controls default to the extreme left when using ctrl+click.


    Unfortunately there is no way in the VST spec to request the default value of parameters, but I’ve now shared the code from the zPlugin editors so that the generic mixer editors at least sets the proper default values for the Zynewave plugins.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @kingtubby wrote:

    The default dial position of the pitch control in zPitch is wrong when enabled in the mixer. When ctrl-clicking on it to set it to the default position (0 cents) it goes to -1200 cents. In fact it’s the same with all the controls in zReverb too. It seems that in the mixer, all the enabled controls default to the extreme left when using ctrl+click.


    Unfortunately there is no way in the VST spec to request the default value of parameters, but I’ve now shared the code from the zPlugin editors so that the generic mixer editors at least sets the proper default values for the Zynewave plugins.

    That’s fine. My only concern was that the zPlugs are at least consistent.


    @Conquistador wrote:

    Screenshots as promised… 😉

    This is with ClearType on. Reaper IMO has much clearer text compared to Podium here. I really do not know why Podium looks much less clear compared to Reaper :-k

    Podium is on the left and Reaper is on the right. Look at the “Fabfilter Timeless” text for the inserts.

    But if I switch off ClearType…can you spot the difference between the two applications “Fabfilter Timeless” text now? I can hardly tell them apart…below…

    Podium is far sharper than the first image now that Cleartype is off and matches (maybe even goes further than) Reapers text for clarity in the second image. Quite a difference and quite easy to see IMO with those screen shots.

    So Podium it appears benefits clearly from having anti aliasing disabled for certain areas (inserts on tracks and mixer strips) but anti aliasing is very helpful elsewhere in Podium that is why I think adding some kind of option to disable anti aliasing for the Insert, Source and Input buttons (just for the tracks and mixer strips) will solve this problem.

    I hope that helps.

    But Reaper’s fonts are not anti-aliased at all in either of your screenshots, CQSD. Are you sure ClearType has an effect on Reaper in your setup? The “fast text rendering” option turns it off completely for me. Though I must say it was quite buggy when I tried it just a few moments ago…

    Just for fun, here’s another comparison between the two programs’ fonts in various places, with and without anti-aliasing. Magnify it in your favorite image editor. 🙂
    They’re identical at larger sizes, but the smaller ones make you wonder if it’s the same font, really. I’m far from an expert on this either… From the look of the small anti-aliased fonts, I prefer some letters in Podium (especially w), and others in Reaper (lowercase L).
    The other thing that’s easily noticeable is there are no color fringes in R.’s mixer fonts (they’re very well present in other places, though.) As far as I know, there’s no rendering option that would do this in ClearType.

    All the screenshots I could find of Samplitude were taken with anti-aliasing disabled in Windows, so I can’t tell if the mixer fonts would still be the same if you turned it on. (Off-topic: It looks like visual consistency is not one of Samplitude’s high points anyway. Check the custom grid/snap boxes and tab buttons(with forced AA), but also default Windows dropdown menu boxes and buttons used in other places (using Windows’ AA settings) in this screenshot. :?)

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