Topic: Preview 2.26: Track toolbar & track categories

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  • #17418

    I’m considering adding another tag option called “Include parameter tracks of tagged tracks”, placed below the current “include child tracks of tagged group tracks” option.

    Currently parameter tracks are always included when the source track is tagged, but would there be situations where you would like to show a bunch of source tracks together, without showing their automation tracks?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Another idea I had is a ‘tags’ button in the track properties window that opens when you create a new track: It could expand a simplified tag list panel to the side, so you could assign tags right at (multiple ) track creation. the panel should remember its state (shown/hidden) after closing the dialog, to be always there for people when they need it, and others who don’t use track tags won’t have to bother with it. Once your tags are set up, this might be even a little quicker than creating ten new tracks and ticking them one by one.

    Oh, and I think it’d be nice if child tracks of a tagged group track would show greyed-out tick marks in the track tags window, whenever ‘include child tracks…’ is checked. You’d much more easily see where the group you’re tagging ends, and I imagine you can get a little lost once you reach 30+ tracks.

    When I implement multiple track selection, you would just select all the tracks you want tagged, and then click the tag check button to assign the tag to all selected tracks.

    That sounds good too, but as it is right now, you’d have to deselect all tags and go look for your newly created tracks in order to even select them… I look forward to how you’re going to handle linking the tag feature with creating tracks. šŸ™‚

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’m considering adding another tag option called “Include parameter tracks of tagged tracks”, placed below the current “include child tracks of tagged group tracks” option.

    Currently parameter tracks are always included when the source track is tagged, but would there be situations where you would like to show a bunch of source tracks together, without showing their automation tracks?

    Hmm, I wouldn’t have a use for it, personally. As long as there’s the Ctrl-G shortcut, I’m all set to fight hordes of parameter tracks, though that’s of course not the same.

    Edit: Actually, I can think of a use. The question is whether parameter tracks of tracks further down the hierarchy that belong to a tagged group, but are not tagged themselves would also be hidden. Ouch, now my head hurts. šŸ˜†


    @Zynewave wrote:

    The toolbar check buttons are shortcuts to the check buttons in the tags dialog. You could say that clicking a toolbar tag check button will toggle both the lane/strip option, but then how should the check button display which of the four states that the tag is currently assigned as? (none, lane, strip, lane+strip).

    Few options, none and lane+strip as they’re now (off and on respectively). 1) Lane and strip ->off, 2) Lane and strip ->on or 3) Lane and strip-> another colour based on on/off colours. I like 1 and 3.

    best regards


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Try the new beta3. I’ve made it so that tagged tracks that are part of a hidden/collapsed group, is now always shown. Check if you still get the visual bug as in your screenshot, and then tell me how your track hierarchy is. Note that in beta2 I dropped the implicit display of collapsed parent tracks for tagged child tracks. So, if a tag includes tracks from different groups, the tracks are not displayed with their actual hierarchy relations. It saves the space used for unneeded parent tracks. In beta1, the master track was always shown as collapsed at the top, which was annoying.

    It’s the same in beta 3, unfortunately. The hierarchy consists of: Master < Vocals group track < Lead Vocal track. This glitch happens when the "lead vocal" track is shown (without its direct parent group) along with the master track.

    Thanks. Fixed in the new beta4.

    Other improvements:

    The tags dialog show ghosted checkmarks next to tracks that are implicitly included in the tag by the “include child tracks…” option.

    Adding new tracks will be assigned with the selected tag furthest to the right on the toolbar. So if both “busses” and “tracks” tags are selected, then the new track is assigned with the “tracks” tag. A new child track is not assigned with a tag, if the parent group is assigned with a selected tag and it has the “include child tracks…” option enabled.

    I’m continuing my bug-fixing. I don’t plan to add further features, so hopefully 2.26 is ready for release within a week.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    3. Normally, the navigator zoom snapshot buttons light up when you return to one of their zoom settings. This doesn’t seem to work though if you zoom to the full arrangement length by double-clicking the zoom pane. In the example GIF, I can get the snapshot button to activate after moving the pane around, but not anymore after zooming in and double-clicking to return to the original zoom level.

    I’m not getting that here. It looks to me that your zoom snapshot is not exactly the full length.

    Can you please verify, and describe how to reproduce this bug?


    Beta5 is up. Bug-fixes, including all those reported in this topic so far.

    There’s still some problems with dragging tracks when tags are selected, which is what I’m going to debug next. If you find other bugs, please let me know.


    Nice, though I’m afraid it still glitches if there’s a track above it in the tracklist:

    There seem to be a few discrepancies with the “depth” of the group level strips. I’m pretty tired, so I’m not sure what to make of it right now…
    Here’s an example picture (thumbnail). On the left is what the actual hierarchy looks like.

    A minor issue regarding the follow focus feature: selecting (docked) master or return tracks in the mixer scrolls the tracklist even if those tracks aren’t shown there.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    3. Normally, the navigator zoom snapshot buttons light up when you return to one of their zoom settings. This doesn’t seem to work though if you zoom to the full arrangement length by double-clicking the zoom pane. In the example GIF, I can get the snapshot button to activate after moving the pane around, but not anymore after zooming in and double-clicking to return to the original zoom level.

    I’m not getting that here. It looks to me that your zoom snapshot is not exactly the full length.

    Can you please verify, and describe how to reproduce this bug?

    Yeah, it was a false alarm. If you look very closely, you can actually see that the snapshot highlights a smaller area. I don’t know how I ended up with that snapshot, since I never touch the zoom pane handles.
    Sorry about that one.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Nice, though I’m afraid it still glitches if there’s a track above it in the tracklist:

    Fixed in the new beta6.

    There seem to be a few discrepancies with the “depth” of the group level strips. I’m pretty tired, so I’m not sure what to make of it right now…
    Here’s an example picture (thumbnail). On the left is what the actual hierarchy looks like.

    Not really a bug. When the parent group track is hidden, I draw the header of the track all the way up to the top, instead of showing the arrow at the actual group level. That’s what happens in the middle part of your screenshot. I don’t know if it would make more sense to show the arrow when it does not point to a parent group :-k

    A minor issue regarding the follow focus feature: selecting (docked) master or return tracks in the mixer scrolls the tracklist even if those tracks aren’t shown there.


    Also in beta6:

    Inserting a bus send on a track will automatically add the matching bus return track. Pressing undo once will undo the creation of the bus return track. Pressing undo again will undo the insertion of the bus send.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    There seem to be a few discrepancies with the “depth” of the group level strips. I’m pretty tired, so I’m not sure what to make of it right now…
    Here’s an example picture (thumbnail). On the left is what the actual hierarchy looks like.

    Not really a bug. When the parent group track is hidden, I draw the header of the track all the way up to the top, instead of showing the arrow at the actual group level. That’s what happens in the middle part of your screenshot. I don’t know if it would make more sense to show the arrow when it does not point to a parent group :-k

    Okay, less sleepy today, so I can try to explain better what struck me as strange here. šŸ˜‰

    If you only show tracks that are at a deeper group level than other tracks, they’re displayed as if there were no tracks above them in the hierarchy in both the mixer and the arrangement. (ex. 1)

    At the same time, tracks that are not as many levels down still have a group level strip as wide as the arrangement’s hierarchy is deep. This is the case if you only show a track that is at the top level (directly below the master) – in the mixer, however, it is displayed differently. (ex. 2)

    Finally, if you show a track at the deepest, and a track at the highest level (below the master) together, the group level strips are the width/height of the whole hierarchy in both the arrangement and mixer. (ex. 3)

    I couldn’t say if this is a problem, or which way it’d be best to display at all times. On one hand, if the group level strip width isn’t always the same, the track controls will start to jump around again when selecting different tags (even on the same track – compare examples 1 and 3). On the other hand, it might save space and look better in some cases, should the group level strips not always be as wide as the hierarchy is deep.

    Also in beta6:

    Inserting a bus send on a track will automatically add the matching bus return track. Pressing undo once will undo the creation of the bus return track. Pressing undo again will undo the insertion of the bus send.

    The return track is not created, though, when you assign the send mapping to an already existing effect track.

    Also, when you use the “move track to new group” command, the track created is not assigned a tag. I don’t know if the command will be around after multiple track selection comes around, but here you go anyway.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Also in beta6:

    Inserting a bus send on a track will automatically add the matching bus return track. Pressing undo once will undo the creation of the bus return track. Pressing undo again will undo the insertion of the bus send.

    The return track is not created, though, when you assign the send mapping to an already existing effect track.

    Also, when you use the “move track to new group” command, the track created is not assigned a tag. I don’t know if the command will be around after multiple track selection comes around, but here you go anyway.

    Thanks. Fixed in the beta7. There’s also a fix for the “add new child track” command which got broken in one of the earlier betas.

    About the track header display: There are pros and cons for both methods. I think I’ll let the headers be as they are now. If it turns out that users find the non-hierarchic display confusing, then I can try an alternative solution where the headers are not adjusted if their parent group is hidden.

    Also in beta7:

    Group tracks now show the collapse button even if there are no child tracks in the group yet.

    Next I’m going to revise the way that tracks are drag-reordered. I think I figured out a simple way to allow a track to be dragged into a group track, even when it doesn’t have any child tracks yet.


    Hmm, I experienced a moment of confusion yesterday, when I deleted a group track, and all child tracks disappeared along with it! šŸ˜® Of course they were just invisible because only the group track had the selected tag. I don’t think there’s anything that can be done about this, though.

    – I get a crash when I use a tag that has “include child tracks …” disabled, and I try to select a group track (it has to have a child track) that is the last track visible in the tracklist. Only happens in the arrangement view, and strangely doesn’t crash when I select it with the arrow keys.

    – When creating a new track by dropping a device on blank space in the tracklist, the track is not auto-tagged.

    – Neither are tracks created by “move bounced audio to new track.”

    – Unhidden effect tracks can’t be used with the tag feature… No problem, since you said Ctrl-H is gonna go eventually anyway.

    – In an arrangement with multiple “master” tracks, they will not appear docked in the mixer, which I really think they should if docking is enabled! šŸ™‚

    – (very minor) The navigator seems to have a slight problem following swift vertical drag movements of the zoom pane. I sometimes use it to quickly scroll the tracklist, but it doesn’t scroll far enough when I move the cursor too quickly.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Also in beta7:

    Group tracks now show the collapse button even if there are no child tracks in the group yet.

    A very clever idea yet again. 8)


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Next I’m going to revise the way that tracks are drag-reordered. I think I figured out a simple way to allow a track to be dragged into a group track, even when it doesn’t have any child tracks yet.

    šŸ˜Æ That turned out to be a tough job to implement, taking longer than I anticipated.

    Check out the new beta8.

    I think the revision of the track dragging is complete, including dragging when a tagged subset of tracks are shown. With the new method it is possible to drag any track into any group track, just by dragging vertically. When a track is dropped over the bottom half of a group track header, it will be added as the last child track.

    Let me know if you find any problems with the new method of dragging tracks.


    Now I can see where I’m moving tracks without force my eyes. Thanks you!


    Works nicely so far, but if the last track in the tracklist is a group track, you can’t drag any track below it without moving it into the group. That seems to work only when the master track is visible.


    Beta9 is up. This one only has a CPU speed optimization of the UI repainting. Zooming and scrolling should not show significant speed improvement, but in cases where only stuff like meters and play cursor is updating there should be huge speed improvements. Let me know if you see any noticeable changes for better or worse.

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