Topic: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts

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  • #18290

    Yay, CQSD’s posting again! 🙂
    Though I wonder if there really is a sudden need for some kind of “pattern-like” functionality in Podium.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’m wondering: Are you left-handed? Normally I have my left hand on the left side of the keyboard, so to use this shortcut with one hand (Ctrl+Up/Down), I would need to move my left hand over to the right side Ctrl key.

    Nope, I just have nimble fingers. 😆
    Most of the time my (left) hand spends on the keyboard, it resides on the numpad. It could well be that that feels weird to other right-handers… When I move notes with the arrow keys, the way I do it is to hold Ctrl with my pinky (p), and let a-m-i fall nicely on the arrow keys.

    Does it not bother you that the mouse cursor changes to the vertical zoom cursor, when you hold down Ctrl+Shift for transposing octaves?

    That never bothered me. I won’t be standing in the way if you want to change it, just want to say again that Ctrl (moving notes) together with Shift made sense to me, while Alt doesn’t really fit. I don’t have any alternatives to offer, either. 😐


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Does it not bother you that the mouse cursor changes to the vertical zoom cursor, when you hold down Ctrl+Shift for transposing octaves?

    That never bothered me. I won’t be standing in the way if you want to change it, just want to say again that Ctrl (moving notes) together with Shift made sense to me, while Alt doesn’t really fit. I don’t have any alternatives to offer, either. 😐

    I need to check the code for conflicts with other key shortcuts, but how about Shift+Up/Down instead of Alt+Up/Down for transposing octaves?


    Beta2 is up:

    • A note sequence can now be shown in the drum map editor without having to create drum kit presets. The drum map will default to showing GM2 drum key names. The View menu in the editor lists both piano roll and drum map profiles. The selected profile type is remembered for each track.

    I know some of you have waited a long time for updates to the drum map editor. For various reasons, I made some experiments, and found that it was fairly easy to make the above adjustment. Now you no longer have to resort to voodoo magic to conjure the drum map editor 😉

    Note that the track flag for drum map editor is not yet saved in the project file.

    To keep the momentum going: Which drum plugins do you know that support custom drum key names?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’m not a big keyboard shortcut user myself.

    Me neither >handshake< tea or coffee? :P

    So if you ignore the fact that I’m trying to make key shortcuts available, are there anything in my suggestions about snap, nudge, shuffle, etc. that is confusing?

    No the commands in isolation are fine.

    I’m not sure what you mean with “different types of markers”. If you compare the blocks lane in the video, with the marker lane in Podium, they are similar in appearance, except in Podium the markers are indicated by flags, and not bars that extend to the next marker. That is purely a visual presentation that I could change easily.

    I said marker numbers in that post or earlier and should have just stuck to that. I did mean numbers of markers instead of different marker types sorry.

    But yes… “That is purely a visual presentation that I could change easily” that would be a very nice change though, and would make a big difference visually. Thankfully it’s not difficult to do based on your comments.

    Besides that, then my suggestion in the other topic indicated that there should be a marker at the start of each section. So if you in the blocks example would drag out a block to repeat 4 times, in Podium you would have 4 separate markers. If that turns out to be a problem, I can add a “length” setting to the marker properties, which will make it behave like in the blocks video.

    Yes please. That could work. Thanks!

    I have not seen evidence in the blocks video, whether it is possible to overlap blocks. An example: In one section of a song you may want to use repeated 2-bar patterns for drum loops, but in the same section you may want to have 4-bar longer evolving synth or bass patterns. The idea I described with marker linking would allow for that.

    Not sure about overlapping in Record /Reason either with blocks :-k but ok…so Podium can / will be able to do that for sure with your marker idea. Sounds good on paper of course using it would be the best way to try it out. 🙂

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Yay, CQSD’s posting again!

    Hee hee… 🙂 I do read a lot of posts threads on this forum even though I don’t post so much 😛

    Though I wonder if there really is a sudden need for some kind of “pattern-like” functionality in Podium. could say that about pretty much any feature really. 😛 it’s all subjective at the end of the day but clearly that way of working is popular 🙂

    Funnily enough I did post this FR back in 2006! 😯 So definitely not “suddenly”. 😉


    @Zynewave wrote:

    To keep the momentum going: Which drum plugins do you know that support custom drum key names?

    Whoa! Thanks! I was waiting for something like this! My drums plugins are Poise (, Nithonat, Nepheton and Drumazon ( and all of them support drum key names


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Beta2 is up:

    • A note sequence can now be shown in the drum map editor without having to create drum kit presets. The drum map will default to showing GM2 drum key names. The View menu in the editor lists both piano roll and drum map profiles. The selected profile type is remembered for each track.

    Thanks for looking into this Frits. However I cannot find the Piano Roll and Drum Map profiles in the View Menu in the editor. What am I doing wrong? :-k


    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Beta2 is up:

    • A note sequence can now be shown in the drum map editor without having to create drum kit presets. The drum map will default to showing GM2 drum key names. The View menu in the editor lists both piano roll and drum map profiles. The selected profile type is remembered for each track.

    Thanks for looking into this Frits. However I cannot find the Piano Roll and Drum Map profiles in the View Menu in the editor. What am I doing wrong? :-k

    The two “Timeline” profiles you have in your screenshot are the piano-roll and drum-map. In previous versions these profiles were never listed in the same menu, so that’s why they don’t have the editor type in the profile name. In the latest beta I have extended these profile names to “Piano Roll – Timeline” and “Drum Map – Timeline”. Use the “restore default editor profiles” setup command to get the new names.


    Ok thanks got it now, the dual “timeline” “timeline” commands confused me.

    Now that your developers mouse cursor is hovering over drum maps 🙂 could you add the following functionality please…

    1. Allow unused notes to be hidden by default? At the top and bottom of a list of drum note names is a list of notes that really should be hidden….

    2. When using 5 or 6 drum lanes / notes it would be much easier to hide drum note names that are not being used. So all you see is the notes being used. Just 5 o 6 in this example. Ableton Live for instance has a fold button that will hide all rows that do not contain MIDI notes….

    3. Mute Solo for drum note lanes as well please?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    To keep the momentum going: Which drum plugins do you know that support custom drum key names?

    All of linplugs drum modules: RMIV, RMV, the CM 505 magware freebie

    I don’t know if battery supports it, I’d have to look in FLStudio


    @Conquistador wrote:

    1. Allow unused notes to be hidden by default? At the top and bottom of a list of drum note names is a list of notes that really should be hidden….

    I wanted the default map to include all 128 notes, in case you have a specialized drum map that goes beyond the GM convention. Or even if you just switch to the drum map for a regular note sequence, for specific editing.

    2. When using 5 or 6 drum lanes / notes it would be much easier to hide drum note names that are not being used. So all you see is the notes being used. Just 5 o 6 in this example.

    How should Podium know which ones you want to use? When you start out with an empty sequence, it can’t hide all drum lines. For specific drum map layouts, the way to do it is still with drum kit presets, where you can arrange the keys any way you like. I’m going to improve that feature as well, so that you don’t have to do it the old way.

    3. Mute Solo for drum note lanes as well please?

    LiquidProj3ct suggested this too. How should this work:

    Should the note mute/solo work like the track mute/solo in the mixer? In other words, what should the mute/solo information be attached to? If the mute/solo state is a property of the track, then all sequences on the track will play with that mute/solo state. Switching back to a piano-roll editor, should then reset the solo/mute states I assume, or else you could get confusing situations where some notes in your piano-roll mysteriously is not playing.

    Edit: Ok, I see you added some info to your post about the “fold” button. I’ll consider that. What happens in Live when you remove the last event on a drum line: Does the line automatically disappear, or do you have to press “Fold” again?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @Conquistador wrote:

    1. Allow unused notes to be hidden by default? At the top and bottom of a list of drum note names is a list of notes that really should be hidden….

    I wanted the default map to include all 128 notes, in case you have a specialized drum map that goes beyond the GM convention. Or even if you just switch to the drum map for a regular note sequence, for specific editing.

    2. When using 5 or 6 drum lanes / notes it would be much easier to hide drum note names that are not being used. So all you see is the notes being used. Just 5 o 6 in this example.

    How should Podium know which ones you want to use? When you start out with an empty sequence, it can’t hide all drum lines. For specific drum map layouts, the way to do it is still with drum kit presets, where you can arrange the keys any way you like. I’m going to improve that feature as well, so that you don’t have to do it the old way.

    I suggested here that notes in drum roll should be used as tracks in arrangement view [added and templates=presets]. Maybe you could create a “ghost” preset for each track in drum mode. I find that’s a mess use lots of notes when you only want few.

    Please allow customization too, at least name and note to be played without go to the “dark corner” to edit them.

    Should the note mute/solo work like the track mute/solo in the mixer? In other words, what should the mute/solo information be attached to? If the mute/solo state is a property of the track, then all sequences on the track will play with that mute/solo state. Switching back to a piano-roll editor, should then reset the solo/mute states I assume, or else you could get confusing situations where some notes in your piano-roll mysteriously is not playing.

    I understand that if a user is doing music he must be enough intelligent to know this 🙂 Anyway you could use semitransparent mute/solos in the track when some of their notes are muted or soloed, I think it will help

    edit: if you find to hard to program one preset for each track you could also hide notes in the same way we do with plugin parameters nowadays.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    LiquidProj3ct suggested this too. How should this work:

    Should the note mute/solo work like the track mute/solo in the mixer? In other words, what should the mute/solo information be attached to? If the mute/solo state is a property of the track, then all sequences on the track will play with that mute/solo state. Switching back to a piano-roll editor, should then reset the solo/mute states I assume, or else you could get confusing situations where some notes in your piano-roll mysteriously is not playing.

    Mute / Solo for drum rows (Kick Snare e.t.c) could work this way…

    1. If you click on a MIDI track and it has three drum MIDI parts /events, and then you click on the Tracks Mute button the whole track and all parts of the MIDI events on the track are Muted as expected.

    2. Using the Drum row Mute Solo buttons would solo or mute a single row within a drum MIDI event. So if I had snare and kick notes inside a MIDI event but then used the Kick row Mute button….

    … that would mute the Kick notes within that MIDI event.

    3. If the Track is already Muted then that should overide the drum row lane Mute / Solo controls to avoid confusion.

    Edit: Ok, I see you added some info to your post about the “fold” button. I’ll consider that. What happens in Live when you remove the last event on a drum line: Does the line automatically disappear, or do you have to press “Fold” again?

    I have to press Fold again.

    This is the description Ableton have for the function…

    An important feature of the MIDI Editor is the Fold button, located in the upper left corner.
    Activating this button will immediately hide all rows, or key tracks, that do not contain MIDI
    notes in any clips in the track. This is very useful when working with percussion kits, for
    example, which are oftentimes mapped out along a keyboard in sections corresponding
    to percussion type (e.g., snares grouped together two octaves down from hi-hat cymbals,
    etc.). When working with a MIDI _le created by such a mapping, sometimes only one or two
    of each type of percussion sound is used, and it becomes unnecessary to view the entire
    keyboard range.

    The Fold Button Extracts
    Key Tracks Containing


    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    LiquidProj3ct suggested this too. How should this work:

    Should the note mute/solo work like the track mute/solo in the mixer? In other words, what should the mute/solo information be attached to? If the mute/solo state is a property of the track, then all sequences on the track will play with that mute/solo state. Switching back to a piano-roll editor, should then reset the solo/mute states I assume, or else you could get confusing situations where some notes in your piano-roll mysteriously is not playing.

    Mute / Solo for drum rows (Kick Snare e.t.c) could work this way…

    1. If you click on a MIDI track and it has three drum MIDI parts /events, and then you click on the Tracks Mute button the whole track and all parts of the MIDI events on the track are Muted as expected.

    2. Using the Drum row Mute Solo buttons would solo or mute a single row within a drum MIDI event. So if I had snare and kick notes inside a MIDI event but then used the Kick row Mute button….

    … that would mute the Kick notes within that MIDI event.

    3. If the Track is already Muted then that should overide the drum row lane Mute / Solo controls to avoid confusion.

    Ok, then the mute/solo state are properties of the note sequence object. Is this preferrable over having them properties of the track? And why?


    A couple of general questions:

    Most drum plugin editors have mute/solo buttons in their UI, but I assume it’s more convenient to have the buttons close at hand when working with the pattern in the drum map editor. Is convenience the primary reason for you to have mute/solo in the drum map editor?

    Besides having mute/solo as a way of auditioning elements in a drum loop, would you use the mute/solo states as a fixed part in the final loop? In other words, would you leave some notes soloed/muted once you’re done working on the loop?


    I think is better mute/solo the drum of that full track. If I’m using lots of small clips it can be too muddling mute each kick drum of each clip. I don’t have any reason to use mute only for a drum of a single clip, maybe Conquistador does though. It’s slow.

    If you want to mute few notes from a single clip you still can use Ctrl-M

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