Topic: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts

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  • #18323

    The nice thing with the fixed length look is that it gives a sort of step sequencer feel to the drum roll.
    The idea is that if note length is really that essential, you’re better off using the piano roll anyway.
    If you see the drum roll as some sort of step sequencer, then the notes should just send note on messages.
    You could perhaps create seperate note off “notes” to allow note lengths to be entered or choke groups to be emulated (think renoise).

    Again the idea is that if you should use the envelopes of your drum plugin, or the piano roll if you really need to tweak the note length on every note.


    Frits, when arrangement zoom is as far as possible you cannot resize individual heigh of each track

    Also, it would be a good idea that you can use the same shortcuts that we use in the editors and arrangements in another windows, as mixer, ctrl+alt+mw horizontal zoom and shit+alt to scroll


    A problem: Podium crashes if I change my audio driver in arrangement window (and project & plugins are loaded) from ASIO to Windows Wave/MME



    • Added a “note enable mode” option button to the drum map editor. When the option is selected all drum keys show an enable/disable button. When the option is deselected, all disabled drum keys are hidden. This is useful for setting up a compact drum map with only the drum sounds you intend to use.

    • Added a menu button to the drum map editor. The menu contains commands for enabling all GM drum keys or enabling only notes used on the track. There are also copy/paste commands for applying the enable/solo/mute states to other tracks.

    • Added solo and mute buttons to each key in the drum map editor. The solo/mute state is applied to all sequences playing on the track.

    Note that the new stuff is still not saved in the .pod file. The enable/solo/mute changes are also not added to the undo history yet. It’s a bit tricky, because the changes are applied to the tracks in the arrangement editor, but the edit action is done in the drum map editor. I think the undo should be done in the drum map editor, and not be listed in the arrangement editor undo history :-k.

    I’m interested in your comments and suggestions.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Thanks 🙂 I’d like to point that autocenter when opening an editor doesn’t work with Drum Roll

    Are you sure? It works fine here.

    If there are any selected events, they will be centered. If the selected events extend beyond the vertical space, then the topmost selected event is aligned to the top of the display. If there are no selected events, then all events within the displayed zoom range will be centered.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Addictive Drums also lets you re-map everything, and I assume it then passes the key names on to the host, if that’s what you mean by custom drum key names.

    You mean you can reassign MIDI note numbers used for the individual drums in the plugin UI? Can you confirm that, when used in other host software, the plugin will update the drum key names accordingly?

    Besides hiding unused keys, another feature dream would be being able to rearrange and rename the keys, and save them as a sort of drum map template.

    You just described the drum kit preset feature :wink:. I’m going to revise this as well. I’m considering adding some commands to the new drum map editor menu button, for managing drum kit presets.


    Thanks Frits, you did it. Few comments:

    – Is there any way to unmute and unsolo all keys? If there isn’t, please add one.
    – When you use the note enable mode button the scroll is displaced to the first note. Maybe you could displace it to a center position or C-1 position, since all drum samplers and drum synths work in this range.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Are you sure? It works fine here.

    If there are any selected events, they will be centered. If the selected events extend beyond the vertical space, then the topmost selected event is aligned to the top of the display. If there are no selected events, then all events within the displayed zoom range will be centered.

    Yes, I was sure. This happened me with beta 3, now I cannot replicate it. If I find it again I’ll study how replicate it.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Can you confirm that, when used in other host software, the plugin will update the drum key names accordingly?

    I can confirm you (with Drumazon/Nepheton) that FL Studio piano roll updates automatically each time you do a rename inside drumazon. Reaper piano roll updates when you re-open the piano roll, keeping the user names instead plugin keynames.


    Crash: Trying to open any Drum Roll made with previous Podium versions


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Addictive Drums also lets you re-map everything, and I assume it then passes the key names on to the host, if that’s what you mean by custom drum key names.

    You mean you can reassign MIDI note numbers used for the individual drums in the plugin UI?

    Yes, with the map window introduced in the 1.5 update:

    Can you confirm that, when used in other host software, the plugin will update the drum key names accordingly?

    Euhh… no. 🙂 I don’t own any host that even uses key names, let alone names published by a plug-in. Anyone have a suggestion for a host to try this in? In the meantime, I’ll ask XLN Audio about this.

    I’ll have to do some catching up with the Guide regarding this…


    @Zynewave wrote:


    • Added a “note enable mode” option button to the drum map editor. When the option is selected all drum keys show an enable/disable button. When the option is deselected, all disabled drum keys are hidden. This is useful for setting up a compact drum map with only the drum sounds you intend to use.

    • Added a menu button to the drum map editor. The menu contains commands for enabling all GM drum keys or enabling only notes used on the track. There are also copy/paste commands for applying the enable/solo/mute states to other tracks.

    • Added solo and mute buttons to each key in the drum map editor. The solo/mute state is applied to all sequences playing on the track.

    Excellent thanks! :mrgreen:

    Note that the new stuff is still not saved in the .pod file. The enable/solo/mute changes are also not added to the undo history yet. It’s a bit tricky, because the changes are applied to the tracks in the arrangement editor, but the edit action is done in the drum map editor. I think the undo should be done in the drum map editor, and not be listed in the arrangement editor undo history :-k.

    I’m interested in your comments and suggestions.

    I think…

    …that it should be contained wthin the Drum Map Editors undo history. When you right click on those (undo / redo) buttons the history should include enable/solo/mute changes.

    I will say though that it’s not nearly clear enough that right clicking is necessary to see the undo history list funnily enough.

    💡 A small button could be placed next to those buttons to make it more obvious.

    💡 Or….alternatively when you hover over either of those undo/ redo butttons the right click action can be suggested in Podiums info box (bottom left of the Podium UI). This seems the easiest way forward and maybe all that is needed…but at least that much is needed IMO for the arrangement view and Editor undo / redo buttons. 🙂

    The drum rows
    Could you please add a subtle highlight to drum rows when the mouse cursor is over them and when a row is clicked?


    To bugs:

    1. Snap doesn’t seems to work fine moving events, it depends where you start dragging
    2. Ghost notes for drums are showed now in regular Piano Roll (and they shouldn’t)

    See this video (will be deleted soon):


    Ignore the Info box suggestion with the undo / redo buttons…the text is already there. 😛


    It looks really good now. 🙂
    The Shift-click function would be nice for these S/M buttons as well.

    Two bugs:

    – The option button column remains visible when you drag the resize handle next to the keys towards the left edge of the screen.

    – Probably irrelevant, but there’s a crash if you try to enable/disable keys while using a drum kit preset on the track.


    Beta5 is up.

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    – Is there any way to unmute and unsolo all keys? If there isn’t, please add one.

    You can now do it by Shift+clicking the enable/solo/mute buttons, similar to how it’s done with the track solo/mute buttons.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Can you confirm that, when used in other host software, the plugin will update the drum key names accordingly?

    I can confirm you (with Drumazon/Nepheton) that FL Studio piano roll updates automatically each time you do a rename inside drumazon. Reaper piano roll updates when you re-open the piano roll, keeping the user names instead plugin keynames.

    I had a quick look at Drumazon/Nepheton pdf manual, but could not see how you would change the note names. How do you do it?

    Crash: Trying to open any Drum Roll made with previous Podium versions

    Fixed. 😳

    2. Ghost notes for drums are showed now in regular Piano Roll (and they shouldn’t)



    You can now do it by Shift+clicking the enable/solo/mute buttons, similar to how it’s done with the track solo/mute buttons.

    Thanks, it’s enough 🙂

    Drumazon is a plugin that allow you use patterns OR simple drums. The different pitches (piano roll keys) acts as patterns OR simple drums.

    You cannot change easily the drums names (you can use some black magic to do it, though) but it’s easy change the name of each pattern for each key (and move/copy them). I did this video for you. Notice if you have demo version you cannot use single drums, only patterns, but it will serve you.

    Very poor quality, I’m newbie doing videos 😳 If you need more clarifications feel free to ask

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