Topic: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts

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  • #18398

    Beta9: if preview is turned off you cannot audition the drums clicking on key names (i think this will be solved when you join the editors, though)


    @Zynewave wrote:

    […] Some of the latest updates to the piano roll have not made it into the drum map editor, and so combining them will ensure that the event editing is similar in both the piano roll and drum map mode.

    So, instead of selecting between the “piano roll” and “drum map” editor profiles, there will be one profile, and you then have a “enable drum map” option in the menu button (as introduced in the new drum map region), which will toggle between the piano roll and drum map layout.

    Sounds good to me. However, there are some users here that would prefer fixed length notes in the drum map. I’m not a big fan of the diamond shapes (or similar), but it might be worth having the option.

    Also, to be able to use this toggle option, there’ll probably be an options menu button added to the good old note editor – might be a good place to put some more options in, so it doesn’t feel lonely. 😉 Unless you plan on totally unifying the editors and having the note enable/disable options in the piano roll, too (could be useful for some scenarios, like the ‘fold’ button in Live, which Conquistador showed)!

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    The GBP top-align bug seems to be fixed in beta 8. Here’s another one, though:
    – It’s aligned to the middle position of any visible drum key lanes instead of the whole editor’s height. Just deselect all but one key and it’ll be top-aligned.

    That’s on purpose. It will do that in the piano roll as well (if you zoom out and have a big vertical pixel resolution). My intention was to align it as close as possible to the event lines. Would it be less confusing if the panel was always top aligned?

    Ah, okay. I only tried in the embedded editor, where the distances the mouse must travel aren’t that huge. It makes sense for editors in separate windows, and I think it’s fine as is then.

    A little non-2.31 bug(?): When you minimize and restore Podium (or switch to the project page and back again), the horizontal scroll and zoom settings in the embedded editor are reset. This doesn’t happen in editors opened in a separate window.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Another idea I’m considering:

    The piano roll and drum map regions share a lot of functionality, so I’m considering removing the drum map region completely, and instead make the “piano roll” region into a “note” region, which will combine the two regions into one. Some of the latest updates to the piano roll have not made it into the drum map editor, and so combining them will ensure that the event editing is similar in both the piano roll and drum map mode.

    So, instead of selecting between the “piano roll” and “drum map” editor profiles, there will be one profile, and you then have a “enable drum map” option in the menu button (as introduced in the new drum map region), which will toggle between the piano roll and drum map layout.

    Good/bad idea?

    For me, it´s of course a good idea…this would be the “Reaper” way 🙂



    Beta10 is up. This beta has some changes to the piano roll editor.

    There is a new menu button in the piano roll, with a “Customize Note Map” command for opening a dialog. The dialog can also be opened by right-clicking a key on the piano roll keyboard.

    In this dialog you can enter a color and a name for each key. It’s also possible to enable/disable each note, similar to the drum map editor. Multiple notes can be selected in the listbox with the standard shift/ctrl click shortcuts. When you enter a name or select a color, this will be applied to all selected notes.

    The names you enter for a note will be written on the piano roll keyboard, if zoomed in. For smaller zoom settings, I’m planning to implement a popup that will show the name of the key under the mouse cursor.

    I’ve also modified the way that black keys and scale keys are highlighted.

    Let me know what you think of this.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve also modified the way that black keys and scale keys are highlighted.

    Let me know what you think of this.

    Please I need more contrast, I don’t see the guidelines, at least allow define the contrast in Piano Roll option

    And if you are going to tweak a little piano roll colours consider using different contrast for each 4 bars as I suggest here:

    And again, I’m returning to beta9 because the contrast is too low, this is really importat for my comfort working with Podium without force my eyesight, do it higher or allow customize it, please


    Two bugs, selecting multiple events with far zoom doesn’t work fine:

    And, I barely use them having scales though, “highlight blackkeys” option doesn’t work.

    Again, please add more contrast to highlighted keys [-o< I'm struggling my eyes. About “note map for track” doesn’t work in drums, i don’t know what’s your plan with this window, so I’ll wait a little before give more feedback. (because I see that drums roll view isn’t saved yet).


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Please I need more contrast, I don’t see the guidelines, at least allow define the contrast in Piano Roll option

    Try the new beta11:

    I’ve added a “timeline grid” color setting to the colors setup dialog. Editing this color is also possible with the track inspector color picker right-click menu.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Two bugs, selecting multiple events with far zoom doesn’t work fine:

    I can’t see what the bug is here?

    And, I barely use them having scales though, “highlight blackkeys” option doesn’t work.

    The two options are working fine here. Please explain?

    About “note map for track” doesn’t work in drums, i don’t know what’s your plan with this window, so I’ll wait a little before give more feedback. (because I see that drums roll view isn’t saved yet).

    The new note map dialog will be available in the drum map editor eventually. I’m trying to figure out how it’s going to work in the piano roll before unifying the two editors. So I’m looking for comments on the note map changes to the piano roll editor, and not the drum map editor.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve added a “timeline grid” color setting to the colors setup dialog. Editing this color is also possible with the track inspector color picker right-click menu.

    Thanks you! Anyway I wanted to mean the highlighted keys contrast, but you solved it 😀 (the gridlines colours are useful too)

    About the bugs, weird day, the problem with selected events was that I copy them to anoter location and only few of them were copied, and now it works fine. Highlighted blackkeys works fine too. If I can reproduce them I’ll tell you how.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Highlighted blackkeys works fine too. If I can reproduce them I’ll tell you how.

    Please note: If a scale is active, then it will override the black key highlighting. Previously both scale and black keys were highlighted, which resulted in an unreadable mess.


    Uhm, it could be that.

    I noticed whe you resize notes which lenght are inferior to current snap value relative snap it’s glitchy.

    So I’m looking for comments on the note map changes to the piano roll editor, and not the drum map editor.

    I’m trying it and it seems ok. Maybe you could allow multiple selection to adjust colour of them, and use the same colour picker that inspector instead a new window with the default (and ugly) Windows’s colour picker.


    Thank you very much for implementing my FR so fast…and for me it´s working well.

    If I name notes in the pianoroll, I would suggest, if I swith to the drum map, that this would reflect the name changes as well…I think those two should interact and it would be nice, if you could figure this out…

    The Drum map isn´t named correctly in the View menu…it only shows two times “Timeline”

    If I am too fast, please forgive me… 8)



    The note map window is very nice. 8) I agree on the idea of a little color picker in there!

    – I sometimes enter scale information, but never use the option to highlight it. Now ‘highlight black keys’ doesn’t do what it says anymore when there’s a scale selected?

    – Something unexpected: When simply selecting multiple keys in the note map window, they all will receive the name of the first (topmost) selected key upon clicking OK. Has led to accidents during testing. 😉

    Nitpicks: The grid color behaves slightly differently in the editors than in the arrangement view. Looks like they don’t use the exact same timeline fill color. I also don’t like the horizontal note divisions too much.


    Beta12 is up. Some bugs are fixed, and the import/export buttons in the note map dialog are now implemented. Podium will look for a “Note Maps” subfolder in the setup folder. For this beta you can create this subfolder manually, or just save the files in the main Podium setup folder. I’ll add the creation of the “Note Maps” subfolder to the installer, along with a few default files for “GM Drum Kit”, “iMap Standard Drum Kit” and “iMap Extended Drum Kit”. Are there other common drum layouts that should be included?


    @Trancit wrote:

    If I name notes in the pianoroll, I would suggest, if I swith to the drum map, that this would reflect the name changes as well…I think those two should interact and it would be nice, if you could figure this out…

    Don’t worry. The note naming will become available in the drum map as well.

    The Drum map isn´t named correctly in the View menu…it only shows two times “Timeline”

    That’s because the old default setup did not specify the editor type in the profile name. The first “Timeline” is the piano roll and the second is the drum map. This issue will go away if I choose to merge the two editors into one.

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