Topic: Preview 3.2.6: No more .mini files

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  • #31049

    Podium 3.2.6 beta1 is available on your account downloads page.

    Changelog for beta1:

    • Changed the system Podium uses to cache images of wave files. The .mini files saved by previous Podium versions are no longer used, and can be deleted. The new system uses a central WaveformImageCache.db database file that is stored in the Podium projects folder. The cache .db file can safely be deleted, as Podium will just regenerate the database on next startup.
    • Fix: Using the split command in the arrangement editor would erase the first half of the split events. Bug first appeared in Podium 3.2.5.

    Those .mini files have been an irritation for a long time, so I finally decided to replace it with a new system that uses the open-source SQLite library ( The advantage of the single central database file is tidiness, but there may be a small performance cost when Podium loads and saves images in the cache. If you have projects with a large number of wave files, or with big wave files, please check if you notice any performance degradation.

    SQLite was not an option when I originally implemented the .pod and .mini file formats, but over the years SQLite has become very powerful. For my long-term development plans, I’m considering converting the .pod file format to use SQLite. This could make it possible to continually update the database (as in auto-save) and storing the undo-history in the database as well. It would also make it possible to have the option to embed sound files in the .pod file, making an entire project just a single .pod file.


    Hi, this is very cool news! 326 Beta 1 seems fine with regards to waveform presentation and absence of mini files. But like 325, I’m finding it less stable than 324.

    I saw the comment in another thread about possible code migration issues, so I tried to pin down what specifically might cause my problems. I’ve had the odd random crash, but basically I can force a crash when manually muting and unmuting audio tracks… Okay, it’s fairly rapid muting that will trip it up, but nothing overtaxing or unrealistic.

    Here’s a minimal example project made in 324, which hopefully can showcase the behaviour in 326b1. There are no third party plugins, just a bunch of audio events with a few stock zEffects:

    Smallprint: I’ve only tested the 32-bit version of 326b1 on Windows 8.1, on a Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 using ASIO4ALL drivers for its internal Realtek audio chipset. Yeah. But the project (and any amount of frantic muting and unmuting) is absolutely bulletproof on 324. Hope that helps!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by nicholas.h.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by nicholas.h.

    Thanks Nicholas. Bug confirmed. It is a side effect from the code optimizations I made for 3.2.5. I’ll post a new beta once I have fixed it.


    Beta2 is up. The bug was related to the fade-in/out curves on the sound events. While working on fixing the bug I ended up doing another round of optimizations in the engine. Please let me know if the new beta fixes your crash problem. If there are no further issues I’ll probably release 3.2.6 this week.


    Brilliant so far: 326b2 has been totally solid, despite my best efforts!

    I did see an issue in the marker and tempo region shortcut menus. Instead of the bar beat position, such as “9|1”, it’s showing “[][][][][][][][]”.

    See screenshots at

    (Tested 32-bit version on Windows XP.)


    Thanks. I fixed the garbage time position in the popup menus. It only appears in the Podium x86 version. There were a couple of other menus that had this problem as well. Podium 3.2.6 is now released.


    It’s good to hear that Zynwave is working hard on Podium even if the development is a little slow… which saddens me… I will try my best to contribute a License Extension or Something….

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