Topic: problem with multiple monitors ans windows

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  • #1102

    Hi Frits,

    Yesterday I installed Podium on my 2nd pc. I was using a 2 monitor setup before, but now have only one monitor. I copied my podium.ini into the new installation folder, because I didn’t want to lose all my settings. Now when I try to open the track color editor, the window seems to be opened on “the other” monitor.. 🙂 I have no access to the window. Only pressing escape helps, and I get back to the track properties dialogue. I had the same problem with the audio editor window, but I could manage to get the edge of the window and drag it into my workspace again.

    Now how can I reset the position of the windows? Is there any ini file where the position is saved?


    EDIT: I found an entry at the bottom of the podium.ini.. I’ll try this.. 😛


    Open the Windows dialog from the setup menu, locate the colors dialog and delete it.


    ah ok, you were really FAST! 🙂 Thanks

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