Topic: Questions about Podium : Linear mode and snapping

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  • #1014


    I’m trying the Podium Demo and i’m very impressed by the way it works (object oriented and hierarchic engine).
    I have a few questions about working in linear mode (audio montage).

    1/ Is it possible to “snap by events” or even refering to a positon on the timeline (e.g. 1 second, etc.) ? The same way it seems to work in “musical time” snapping to quantization time.
    I saw this thread
    And i wonder if it is working now…

    2/ Is is possible to see the duration of an audio event, and its start and end position in the arrangement ?

    3/ Is it possible to put markers around event(s) automatically (e.g. after selecting an event, a key shortcut could put the markers around the event) ? And the same question for the cursor : to position the cursor at the end or start of a clip ?

    3/ Finally, in musical time (bars), is it possible to see the time passing in hh:mns:sec. with bars and beat ; at the same time ?

    I’m asking these questions as i come from Tracktion, and those possibilities were very efficient.

    Thank you very much if anybody may answer my questions. 🙂


    Hello Ikandobalt,

    I’m afraid the answer is ‘no’ to all your questions 🙁 . But I like all your suggestions, so I’ll implement them at some point. For the time being I’m putting all minor feature updates on hold though, to prepare for a couple of major updates to the audio support.



    Thank you very much for your answer.
    For the kind of music i’m trying to make, those possibilities are a bit important 😕 So i don’t know what to do… ’cause i really really like the way you made Podium, it’s much more innovating than all the majors sequencers (Sonar, Cubase, etc.). I’m also really impressed by the amount of work you put on Podium.
    Firstly that was what put my attention to Tracktion, which is quit innovating in some way. But when Mackie continued the development, it became much more ‘closed’ (as cubase development for example) and i think the link between the programmer (Jules) and users were a bit broken…
    So, just to say, the first thing i look into a software before purshasing a licence is if there ‘s frequent updates and the possibilities to talk quit directly to the people in charge of the development. And i found all of that in Zynewave, and i’m very happy with that 8)
    So, i know that you have a lot of work to do, but it’s great to hear you take my suggestions into account 😉
    I’ll see with the demo if i can find some workaround to work more efficiently with Podium.

    Thanks again Frits.



    Hi Eric,

    I’m glad you like the general idea behind Podium. There’s hope for the future then. Let me know if you find anything that you cannot work around. Btw. I have just updated the Podium demo.



    Hi Frits,

    regarding these object oriented features there exists a software for Mac OS X which I like very well:

    But I like Podium more 8)

    If you have some minutes just check out their manual, maybe you also will like some of its features and then hopefully integrate them into Podium 😉


    I like the idea of layers and moveable fades a lot! 😉

    Seems to be very powerful! It’s a pitty, because it is only for Mac..

    EDIT: If Frits would implement fades as sequence objects (as it is possible right now) BUT on top of each audio sequence, it could also be seen as individual object in the project tree folder, or in the list window. If we then could change the fades like we can edit normal automation sequences, THAT would be great!! So it is simply a better implementation for level automation. Of course with somekind of auto crossfade..

    just my 2 cents.. 😉

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