So I freshly installed my TonePort UX1 as a sound card (because my onboard sound card was horrifically terrible) to use to mix music, but there’s an error when I try to initialize the audio driver.
Note that the card works perfectly fine on my computer at all other times.
When I get to the part in the audio driver config screen, I choose the 96k Hz sample rate (or any other option at this point) and press OK, I get an error message “Could not initialize audio interface at 192000 Hz Sample Rate.”
WTF? Why is it even choosing that number? 192k isn’t even in my list of options for sample rate, how is that happening? No matter If I choose 96k, 88.2k, 48k, or 44.1k, it makes the same error message. I don’t even know how that could even potentially happen…
Trying to just roll with it and make music anyways doesn’t work, everything is silent. My TonePort worked on my last computer! This is literally the same setup! I don’t want to mix with a 500ms buffer! UGH!
From the Podium 3.2.4 release notes:
Podium can create a PodiumDebugLog.txt file for diagnostics of ASIO drivers. Add the line “DebugLog=1″ under the “[Settings]” line in Podium.ini to enable creation of the log file.
1/ Start Podium.
2/ Select the menu Setup>Explore Setup Folder.
3/ Quit Podium.
4/ In the file explorer, double-click Podium.ini to open it in notepad.
5/ Add the line DebugLog=1 under the [Settings] line.
6/ Save Podium.ini and close notepad.
7/ Start Podium.
8/ Try to configure the ASIO driver to get the 192k error message.
9/ Quit Podium.
10/ In the file explorer there is now a PodiumDebugLog.txt file. Email this to me.
I just tried this, but there is no log file in the folder… is it supposed to be in a different folder?
EDIT: It turns out that every time I attempt to do this, the DebugLog=1 setting is no longer in the .ini .
SECOND EDIT: Upon closing out of Podium every time, the .ini gets rewritten to not include the line. I left the .ini open, had it saved, then closed out of the Podium window, and the line was no longer in the .ini . There is no log file to be found
Are you using Podium 3.2.4? The debug feature was first introduced in this version. If you are using Podium Free, you could try the Podium Demo 3.2.4.
I’m sorry I left this dead for such a long time… I have no excuse for being dumb.
I was in fact using the free version, so that explains the debug setting.
The thing is, I installed the demo version and it worked just fine immediately… I’m not planning on using the full version, though, at least not any time soon. (I don’t wish to spite you by not paying, I’m just not very wealthy.) A solution would be very appreciated for the version I own, 3.2.1
I also have a separate question: Do we as users own all rights to the music we create in the Free version?
Okay, so I’m not sure how to edit my posts like I used to, but out of frustration I tried making a new song to see if that would fix it… and it did. Don’t know why that worked, but it’s all good now. The project I was testing the card with in the past two months was just messed up somehow.
I also have a separate question: Do we as users own all rights to the music we create in the Free version?
Of course you do, at least concerning Podium Free. You’ll need to make sure any samples you use are not infringing copyrights.