Topic: Record as curve sequence on seperate track.

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  • #211

    I’ve been gradually refining my device definition for my Kurzweil. I decided to add all of the MIDI events it supports, such as pitch bend, mod wheel, data slider, aftertouch, etc., and I wanted most of them (at least the ones it for which makes sense) to be recorded as curve sequences on seperate tracks.

    However, it seems the option is not available for hardware? I know I can do it with my softsynths, but the option is greyed out when I try to set it up for my keyboard.

    Do you know what’s happening?



    You need to set a minimum and maximum value before it is enabled. If min and max are the same there will be no effect of using a curve sequence for the parameter. Parameter objects with 0 in both min and max are typically used for ‘mode’ parameters that will cause an effect just by being received by the device.


    A haaaaaaaaaa!


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