Topic: Record audio track at same time as midi?

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  • #2027

    How can I do this?

    I want to set up a VSTi in one track and record midi from this.

    And set up an audio track to record the audio from the first track at the same time (not bounce).

    I can do it easily in Reaper but would prefer to be using Podium if possible.


    You’ll need to use the bounce feature, as normal audio recording only works for audio interface inputs.

    If you need to have the audio recorded on a separate track from the actual VSTi track, then you can use a bus send on the VSTi track, and assign the bus return on a second track. Then set up the bus return track for realtime bounce recording.


    I can bounce while I’m playing?

    I don’t want to bounce afterwards as (due to the problem I stated with Kore below) not all automation is being recorded so I want to record as much as possible to midi but also have a live audio capture of my playing


    @aMUSEd wrote:

    I can bounce while I’m playing?

    While you’re recording & playing, yes. Let me offer another suggestion instead of the bus send/return: Add your VSTi track as a child to a new group track, and then set up the group track for realtime bounce recording. That way you have it all neatly together. Also note that the realtime bounce recording only is working if you have some events on the timeline. So you’ll need to set a marker at the end of the timeline where you want to stop.


    Thanks that works nicely – I think I’ll save it as a track template


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Let me offer another suggestion instead of the bus send/return: Add your VSTi track as a child to a new group track, and then set up the group track for realtime bounce recording. That way you have it all neatly together. Also note that the realtime bounce recording only is working if you have some events on the timeline. So you’ll need to set a marker at the end of the timeline where you want to stop.

    I thought of doing this before, but did not post because it produced unreliable results when I tried it, meaning dropouts in the audio recording. I did not set a marker, though – that’s the problem, as I found out just now. Has a little workaround feel but at least it does work – thanks!

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