Topic: Recording Audio from Zoom ZFX software

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  • #29963

    I have recently bought a used Zoom C5.1T and am trying to figure out hot to record the sounds created with its ZOOM ZFX software, which is a Windows program that has sound effects such as distortion for whatever is plugged into it. .

    I have been able to record the instrument plugged into the ZOOM C5.1T as a clean channel (no sound effects to the instrument) but would like to know how I go about recording the instrument with the sounds used in the software.

    After reading the “Podium Guide” I was able to add a track and figured out how to record, which is nice, but I would like to know if it is possible to record an instrument’s sound that I hear from my speakers that are connected to the ZOOM device after it has been altered using the ZFX program without having to route a wire from the ZOOM devices phone jack to my sound cards mic input?

    I run Windows XP and the default audio devices are:
    Sound Playback: Zoom S2t C5.1t Wave Out
    Sound Recording: Zoom S2t C5.1t Wave In
    MID Music Playback: Zoom S2t C5.5t MIDI Out

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Sixty-fourth.

    I don’t know if I understood, but I assume you don’t have the VST plugin of ZFX and you want to record in Podium from the ZFX standalone application.
    OK, if that’s it, you have to record from Wave Out. Usually, I do that to record from internet, a media player, etc…

    Windows Xp configuration
    – open the sound recording mixer;
    – select the Stereo Mix input (or something like that);

    The input level for recording must be set here.

    Podium configuration
    Setup -> Audio/MIDI;
    – In the Audio tab select your driver, your interface and two input channels and two output channels (stereo in/stereo out);
    – add a new track in the sequencer and in the input slot select Audio In 1+2 (or something like that… again);
    – click the “x” on the right to disable the input monitoring to avoid the loop of audio signal (now the “x” should be yellow);
    – arm the track for recording (“R” button in the track header) and press the record button;
    – finally, press play to start the recording.

    Now, if you play your instrument, you should see the progress of the waveform in the sequencer.
    Try to playback what you have just recorded to check if the effects have been applied.


    No idea what you are talking about in your response. LOL!

    I was going to put something like “No idea what you are talking about” and then put a reference as to what point of your response I understood but after reading it all I can say I have no idea what you are talking about from beginning to end.

    Here is a picture of what I see. There is no “stereo mixer” in Windows XP because the Zoom software has taken over my sounds. So ANY sounds, such as ones that come from WMP, VLC or watching YouTube all get played through the ZOOM CT.1T, which I know sounds weird because I had to connect speakers to the phone jack of this device which is connected to my computer via USB cable, weird but that is how it is.

    I had run a line to my mic input to record but it records a little distorted and not as heard through speakers.

    Here are pictures of the Podium settings:

    What makes sense to me is that in the “Control Surfaces” tab is to have the MIDI Out as an available selection to record from or sound out or something like that. That is why I am getting only a recording of the clean sound of my instrument, because it is recording the signal to the computer and not after it has been processed by software.

    Also, this device came with Guitar Rig 3 and I believe that may have a VST. No idea how to do anything with it though.


    Having neither the audio interface or the plugin, for me it’s not easy to understand how they work and how to set them properly. Anyway…

    If you have the VST plugin, my advice is to use that because it allows you to work (only) in Podium directly. Moreover, the VST were made to avoid having dozens of cables to be connected! 😉
    To use in Podium, just add it in the effect slot (if it’s an effect) or in the instrument slot (if it’s a instrument). That’s all.

    As for the standalone application, you have to find ways to record from the output of the computer.
    These are my settings of Windows XP:
    Obviously yours are different, but the audio interface should have a “control panel” to set the driver… or not?
    How do you record from Internet (or other source)?

    There are some drivers that work as virtual cables that connect the output to the input.
    For example these: VB Cable or Hi-Fi Cable.
    In the documentation you will find a case study for Win Xp.
    Remark: I have no idea how they could work with another driver and / or interface.


    I will respond in order of appearance.

    In my start menu it says “ZFX plug-in” so I just assumed that the ZOOM sofware would install whatever is needed because it also came with Cubase 4LE but unfortunately the license was only good for one use.

    I will use this to test as a VST unless you know of another VST that is known to work with Podium. I don’t know exactly how VST’s work because I want the effect and of course I would want to adjust the effect(s) to my liking.

    Again, in my original query I stated,

    “I run Windows XP and the default audio devices are:
    Sound Playback: Zoom S2t C5.1t Wave Out
    Sound Recording: Zoom S2t C5.1t Wave In
    MID Music Playback: Zoom S2t C5.5t MIDI Out”

    Here is a picture of it,

    So, it would be safe to assume that in the Sounds and Audio Devices Control Panel that these devices are listed as the default devices.

    But it only makes sense that because there is no option to record from the audio out default device in the Podium software that there is no option to record from the sound I hear from my speakers leaving the only option to add effect pedals before the instrument wire reaches the ZOOM device :*(.

    Again, like I mentioned everything gets played through the ZOOM device and I use speakers connected to this device to operate all sounds. So when I record internet radio, watch YouTube etc. everything goes to the Zoom device. I haven’t the patience to switch the default playback audio device and restart the computer every time I want to rewire the speakers to the computers sound card.

    Because I use the ZOOM to avoid the mess of having to switch back and forth and so that I can play my instrument at will without the annoyance of having to restart the computer, there is no mixer as the one that you have shown that allows you to select and adjust volume levels.

    Ha ha. I have no idea either. I just assumed that the program needs an option to record from the audio out and definitely not the audio in default device. This assumption is based on the clean sound recording of my instrument and not the fuzzy sound coming from my speakers.

    I will try that virtual software sometime soon. I will probably just use my digital recorder since it has a mic input and USB cord to connect it to the computer to transfer the file just to save rebooting computer everytime I want to check something out.

    Did I discover an improvement that could be added to the software or is using a VST the thing. If it is I would like to see how you adjust the distortion levels, etc. of pedals.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Sixty-fourth.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Sixty-fourth.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Sixty-fourth.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Sixty-fourth.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Sixty-fourth.
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