Topic: redraw bug?

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  • #508


    Stuff like this keeps happening to my project wizard window:

    Sometimes when this happens, if I click on the arrow next to “create” then the window will start to redraw itself 1 row of pixels at a time. It happens alot in other places of the project wizard window, and usually instead of being cut off sideways, it happens vertically, so I can only see the top half of something, and I can’t go further down (for example, I’ll be able to pick a plugin, but I won’t be able to create tracks, etc).

    Here are my specs:
    Athlon 2400
    ASUS A7N8X nForce 2 motherboard
    nVidia GeForce 4 MX 440 Graphics card
    DMX 6fire running ASIO at 512 samples
    Windows XP Home SP2

    Let me know what other info you might need to help reproduce this šŸ™‚

    – brian


    Thanks Brian, I’ll go on a bug-hunt.


    Thanks Frits, let me know if you need any more info! šŸ™‚

    – brian


    I did not manage to recreate the bug on my system, but I looked through the code and found a timing-related problem with the panel animation that could be the cause of this bug. Fix will be in 1.33. If you encounter this bug again, please let me know.


    Ok thanks Frits. I’m glad you found this because this seems to happened to me quite a bit actually, and I have to restart Podium each time.

    – brian

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