Topic: Release audio files not in use

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  • #1654


    When I delete an audio file which was in an arrangement, the file is well removed from Podium’s list but it is reported as ‘in use’ to Windows until Podium is restarted.

    It is a problem when editing a file in an external editor or simply to move it to another folder.

    Could you change it so Podium releases the files that are no more opened ?

    Thanks !


    When I delete an audio file which was in an arrangement, the file is well removed from Podium’s list but it is reported as ‘in use’ to Windows until Podium is restarted.

    That’s because the sound object/file is still present in the undo history in Podium.


    Ah, and is there a way to remove it ?
    I don’t know how the other host do to allow the editing of files while the files are in use, but it will be nice if you could at least remove them from undo when they are deleted.
    Perhaps with a command like “remove unused files from undo” ?


    Sometimes software developers include an “undo purge” function to rectify this situation.

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