I’ve just tried to figure out how I can use a stereo effect on either front or rear channels in a surround project and would like to know whether my thinking is too complicated…
My aim is to have a stereo reverb coming out of the surround speakers only.
So: I have a stereo source (a sound). Using a send bus and a return track, I put some reverb onto that sound. My problem: I don’t seem to be able to route the return track directly to the rear channels of the master out, so I use a second send bus on the first return track and use the second return track properties to send the wet signal to the rear channels by setting the first channel offset to 3.
On the first return track I put the gain fader on “after sends” so I can turn it down, because otherwise it woud be routed to the front outs…
Any easier way to do this? :-s