Hi Frits,
Ive been playing around with podium for about a week now trying to figure out why my machine can’t handle very many synths or effects, and Ive stumbled across something very strange. It seem that the cpu spikes are directly related to the sample rate I use. If I use 96khz My cpu can only handle a fraction of what it is actually capable of ( about 7 or 8 sytnhs and 1 or 2 effects). But if I use 44100 My cpu shows Its full potential running about 13 or 14 synths (sytn 1 daichi) each with e.q(nyquist smartelectronix) and comp ( G comp ) and half of them with another effect like reverb or something. Your probably going to want to look into this are’nt you, the only info I can offer you is that Ive got a DMX 6 fire sound card by terratec and thats about it, let me no if there’s anything else you need π .
P.s When I make a libary preset and sync it, the next time I open the project the name has been switched to the name of the preset in slot 0 bank 0 within the actual synth, but the right sound is still played.(synth 1 Daichi)
Speak to you in a bit