Topic: Select several faders in the mixer? and other questions

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  • #2357


    I’ve bought podium lat week and i love it… 😀

    but i got some questions right now:

    1. is it possible to mark or select several faders in the mixer, to set up the volume for several tracks?

    2. is it possible to undock the mixer (e.g. for working on two monitors)?

    3. what about audio event timestretching (like the midi event timestretching)?

    4. count-in: adjustable in bars, maybe metronome-click only in count-in
    (should work at the first position in the arranger too)

    and the last question,

    5. is it possible to show a plugin dialog to select the presets inside the opened plugin effect (not only in the inspector).

    thx in advance & greetings from berlin


    @eumelie2007 wrote:

    1. is it possible to mark or select several faders in the mixer, to set up the volume for several tracks?

    No atm.

    @eumelie2007 wrote:

    2. is it possible to undock the mixer (e.g. for working on two monitors)?

    Yes, you must open a new window (Window->New Project Window) and create a profile with only a mixer for that windows, or as you like it 🙂

    @eumelie2007 wrote:

    3. what about audio event timestretching (like the midi event timestretching)?

    It’s in the future plan.

    @eumelie2007 wrote:

    4. count-in: adjustable in bars, maybe metronome-click only in count-in
    (should work at the first position in the arranger too)

    Not posible yet.

    5. is it possible to show a plugin dialog to select the presets inside the opened plugin effect (not only in the inspector).

    No. However I’m (we’re?) interested into know why would you like such thing, maybe because you’re used to it? Personally I don’t see it very useful since this seems to be obsolete, almost all plugins developer are creating its own preset selector inside the plugin.


    Hi and welcome!

    Even though the answer to all but one of your questions unfortunately is “no” at this moment, these are all things that are on the plan!

    As for the mixer – it’s as Liquid described. Just ask if you need any help with the editor profile stuff. 😉

    Side note to Frits: would it be hard to add a ‘New Mixer Window’ command, like for the browser and inspector? That would make it infinitely easier to split the mixer off to another screen, and also get rid of the (unnecessary?) menu and tab bars in the second window. Also, if you go the old editor profile route to get a mixer on another screen, the profile is also present on the editor profile bar, serving not much use there, in my opinion.

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Personally I don’t see it very useful since this seems to be obsolete, almost all plugins developer are creating its own preset selector inside the plugin.

    I think this is a shame sometimes. I would much prefer browsing presets in Podium than using a different preset browser system for each plug-in (FabFilter and u-hu plug-ins are the only ones I use that do this).


    thx for the answers.

    the “profile-thing” for the mixer works… 🙂

    i’ve just discovered another problem with the bouncing.

    i have a short silence in the beginning of the bounced file.
    is this a bug or is it me, who just don’t adjust the latency compensation?



    Yes, there’s indeed a problem with dropouts in bounce renders when using plug-ins that need latency compensation (which is automatic, and can’t be adjusted manually currently). It’ll hopefully get fixed soon… In the meantime you can get around it by using realtime bounce recording.

    Here are two threads in which it’s analyzed a little:

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