It is something that I’ve never seen in any sequencer.
Having grid lines in the automation curve editor is nice and all, but the point of having them there is kinda lost when the automation curve covers the grid lines completely.
Podium should have semi-transparent automation curves that reveals the grid lines behind the curve somehow (transparency?). I feel it would be easier to edit the automation curve using the grid lines if they were visible all the time.
Of course, this is not super critical, but I belive Podium would be the only sequencer with this feature when implemented 😉
Good idea?
Yes it is a good idea. It would even be quite easy for me to implement this, but the problem is that drawing with transparency uses a lot more processing power on the graphics card, than drawing with a solid color. The update and scrolling in the curve editor would become noticeable slower. The transparency used e.g. when drawing the segment selection in the editors, is not that demanding because it’s mostly just a single large rectangular fill command. The curve area changes color depending on the value of the curve, so it is drawn with a series of thin rectangular fills, making it more time-consuming to render. I’ll try to do some experiments with transparent curves, and maybe put it as an option in the curve profile properties for those with superfast graphics cards.
the other way would be to draw the automation, then overlay the gridlines with a more light colour.. might introduce flicker tho’..
the other way would be to draw the automation, then overlay the gridlines with a more light colour.. might introduce flicker tho’..
I do all graphics rendering in offscreen buffers before blitting the result to the screen, so there will never be any flicker no matter what I draw. I’ll try your suggestion and see what it looks like. It won’t look the same as true transparency, but it may work.
Why is it necessary to fill the automation curve with colour at all? Surely a
just a simple line/curve would suffice.
Why is it necessary to fill the automation curve with colour at all?
It is not necessary at all. The curves drawn in the sequence events in the arrangement editor is drawn without filling the body of the curve. I originally had the body filled here as well, but it put too much strain on the CPU when scrolling an arrangement with a large number of curves.
The advantages with filling the body of the curve, is that it is more clear where the zero or default value is. A curve sequence placed on a level parameter track would paint the body all the way to the bottom, but the same curve sequence placed on a panning or pitch bend parameter track would paint the body wrapping around at the middle. Furthermore the body is painted with a color grading scaled to the curve value. Just by skimming the curve horizontally and watching the color variance, you can get a feel for how the curve changes.
But maybe it’s just me that finds this useful 😛
I’m going to improve the curve editing in one of the coming releases. Maybe I’ll put in an option in the profile properties to get rid of the color fill.
@Zynewave wrote:
I’m going to improve the curve editing in one of the coming releases. Maybe I’ll put in an option in the profile properties to get rid of the color fill.
Yes please Frits 🙂
As it goes, I like the filling, it does make it alot more clear, but it would be good to see the grid thru’/over the curve.
Having said that, the option to be able to choose makes the whole experience more friendly 🙂