Topic: Send/Receive Audio and MIDI between tracks

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  • #2574

    Just a quick question and depending on the outcome, a possible feature request…

    Is there a way to record a track into another one? I have tried this, yet with no success so far.

    The reason I ended up needing this option is because some synths I use happened to be limited in terms of automate-able parameters, and all this after hours of sound design. So the obvious workaround is to record them into another track, while tweaking the desired parameters by hand in real-time. Bouncing is of no use in this scenario.

    As a bonus on the other hand, it would be a great way of monitoring the resulting waveforms on the fly, after say heavy-processing. Visual feedback is always good.

    And while on the topic, (yes, unfortunately there is no MIDI effects support yet in Podium) but a new great arpeggiator plugin is available for quite some time now – Kirnu, and it is a VSTi, not a VST, so is there a way to route it appropriately so that it may work? I’ve tried this as well, and again with negative results.
    Too bad if it is not possible, for there are a bunch of amazing features this little freeware has to offer, automating of the sound-generator synth’s parameters including.

    I guess all this has something to do with sending and receiving of Audio and MIDI data in between tracks, or the routing in general.

    So, if all this is not yet possible in Podium, here is the humble idea I can give.
    1. In the “input” section of tracks can be implemented a “receive MIDI from” or something of the like, and then choosing from the list of tracks in the arrangement;
    2. The same, yet with a “receive audio from” or something in that vein, and then choosing the track.
    I guess this will make creating Recorder tracks, or in other words, track-to-track recordings, very easy.
    Of course all this can be put somewhere in the track properties window instead of where I just said.
    The ways of implementing this in a skillful and streamlined way are many. So this is just an idea concerning the big picture.

    Peace and Light



    @CymaticCreation wrote:

    So the obvious workaround is to record them into another track, while tweaking the desired parameters by hand in real-time. Bouncing is of no use in this scenario.

    How about real-time record bouncing? Just enable this mode on the track, arm bounce-recording (Ctrl+B), enable record mode on the transport, and start play. The bounce-recorded audio will be drawn in realtime on top of the track. When you’re done, use the “move bounced audio to new track” command.


    Thanks for the response Frits.

    It Surely works as a charm. Always new things to learn every day. Must go through the manual again obviously.



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