Topic: Sequence Editor

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  • #264

    2 suggestions:

    When viewing the Sequence Editor, is there any chance of making it possible to have the keys on the left light up when they are recieving MIDI? If I want to program something in by hand for instance, this is useful when tapping on my keys while programming with my mouse.

    Another thing, is it seems the the Pencil Tool doesn’t care about what I have set for a Quantize Resolution, but the Rearrange Tools does. Would it be possible to have the Pencil Tool draw events that snap to whatever you have set for Quantize Resolution?


    is there any chance of making it possible to have the keys on the left light up when they are recieving MIDI?

    Good suggestion. I’ve added it to the list.

    it seems the the Pencil Tool doesn’t care about what I have set for a Quantize Resolution, but the Rearrange Tools does

    Hmm, the pencil tool should snap as much as the rearrange tool does. I assume you’re talking about the keyboard editor. Setting the quantize snap value will set the grid resolution which e.g. is used for the size of new notes etc. To make the notes snap to the grid, you must select the button where the snap resolution is displayed. Could this be the explanation?


    Yeah you’re right – I’ve noticed that nothing seems to work the way it should at 5:00 AM :mrgreen:

    thanks 🙂

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