Hello guys
Seriously, this may be a silly question, with regards to the loads of info and tutorials avaible…but I cannot bounce my arrangement!
I have a Master track with a few tracks underneath in its hierarchy. There are 2 midi tracks with VST mapped to them, 1 track with an audio file and 1 Group track with effects mapped to it and its child track containing a drum-VST.
I then click the small “B” on the Master track. Then I click the small “R” and then I enable master record in the transport bar, I set punch in and out and make sure my selection is OK.
Then I play and record…nothing!
So instead I thought “Ok, fine CTRL-B have to work somehow”, but when I hit CTRL-B is says:
“There are no bounce track sound events that can be rendered. Note that punch in/out defines the rendered time range”.
Why cannot make this small operation work? Its driving me mad…mad I tell you! 😈
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Note: Im still only using the CM 1.77 edition.