Live has a clever feature that allows for any project item / clip to be made available for other projects in a shared Library folder. I think something similar may be possible in Podium but I am not sure how. 😆
In any case, if an option could be added to Podium (possibly in the Arrangement and Sounds column) that provided an ‘Export all tracks’ or ‘Export all project clips’ option I think this would provide a one click way to export all the midi and audio data as individual clips from one project to use in another.
How can this be made available to all projects?
Well once you have exported all the data (midi and audio) to a user specified folder, you could then for instance click on the button above the Arrangement and Sounds column and choose any of the following options…
1.Show shared library
This would effectively make the shared library content visible in anyopen project. Where would it be seen? Well the Arrangements and Sounds column is ideal. It could simply be split horizontally, so that the top half shows the shared library of midi and audio clips, while the bottom half shows the current midi and audio clips in use by the current open project.
2.Import selected clip.
This option would import / copy any clip that has been selected from the shared Project Library folder into the current project folder, making it available for use instantly.
3. Import all clips
If a user prefers to do this he could use this option to import every clip (midi and audio) in the shared library folder (selected or not), this would copy them over to the current Project making them available and visible in the Arrangement and Sounds column, under the shared library listing which would be above it separated by a thin horizontal splitter. 😉