Topic: Sidechaining with Voxengo Crunchessor

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  • #485

    Hi Frits

    I recently got a new compressor that can do the sidechain thang. I tried following your advice from here

    Problem is, when I import the plugin it doesn’t show two inputs as part of the device mapping, so I can’t set it up as a sidechain. The mapping list only shows one version of the plugin, not two. Any advice?

    you can download a demo of crunchessor here

    if you get it working, can you email me a project file to the email registered with my account?



    Go into the about page in the plugin (press the ?). Enable “ext. sidechain”. The plugin notifies you that it has changed its input configuration and that it needs to be reloaded. You need to remove the crunchessor plugin mappings in your project, and reimport the plugin. Then you will have 1 output mapping and 2 input mappings. My guess is that the second input mapping is the sidechain input.


    excellent, thanks 🙂


    Hi Frits

    I’m not sure that I’m setting it up properly. I got crunchessor imported with two inputs, but from there I think I’m doing something wrong.

    This is what I’m doing at the moment:

    Track 1 has a drum VSTi, grouped around that is another track with has the Crunchessor input 1 mapping on it

    Track 2 has a bass VSTi, grouped around that is another track with has the Crunchessor input 2 mapping on it

    Track 3 has the crunchessor output mapping on it, and crunchessor has sidechaining enabled.

    On track 1 and 2 I adjust the send amount but it just makes stuff louder without appearing to be compressing anything much…

    Should this setup be working? If so, I need to adjust my send amounts and/or the compressor preset I’m using (maybe I should go for an over the top setting to ensure I’ll hear when the bass is being compressed). Thanks

    PS If I get this working I’ll send the project to upload in the tutorials area for other Podiumites (where they can replace Crunchessor with whatever sidechain capabale compressor they have)


    Remember to turn the gain on track 1 down to ‘off’. Otherwise both the dry drums and compressed drums will be mixed. If your track 2 with the bass is only intended for controlling the side chain pumping, you should turn the gain on this track to off as well.

    I briefly tried this setup (this time I actually listened to the plugin output) and it seemed to work as intended. I had a problem when enabling the ‘listen’ button, which produced a distorted output of the sidechain input. I assume this is an issue with the plugin though.

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