Topic: Slow after a while in long arrangements.

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  • #1449

    Shocked Is that Podium that crashes for you, or plugins?

    No, I have told you about this last year : with long arrangements (30 or 40 minutes), Podium becomes more and more slow after some time. For example it can take up to 20 or 30 seconds do save the project (the project only, not the sounds) or to stop the engine.
    Some times if I don’t wait enough before clicking somewhere, the screen becomes white and Podium doesn’t respond anymore.
    It doesn’t happend with short arrangements (5 minutes) or if I don’t work a long time.

    Perhaps is this due to undos or temporary files, I don’t know.

    Perhaps is this due to undos or temporary files, I don’t know.

    That is a good guess. What have you set the maximum undo levels to in preferences? If this is very high, then each edit action will take up some memory, and if the edit involves destructive sound editing then the cache files will increase. As a test, next time you run into problems, try to temporarily set the undo levels to zero in preferences and then back up to your preferred amount. This will clear the undo history.

    The undos setting was 30. I have changed it to 5, but it makes not a huge difference : after 45 minutes working on a 15 minutes arrangement (with plugins), it took 40 seconds to power off !
    I make only non destructive editing of events, no sound editing.

    I will try with 0 undos.


    it took 40 seconds to power off

    I’m assuming you mean 40 seconds for Podium to exit, not including saving the project file.

    Next time try to load another project before quitting, and check if the 40 seconds delay occur during the loading of the new project. This can help determine if the delay happens in the project cleanup code or the Podium exit code.


    I’m assuming you mean 40 seconds for Podium to exit, not including saving the project file.

    Not exit, just turning the power off of the current arrangement.
    When I turn it off after a few minutes editing it takes only one or two seconds.
    Short arrangements in the same project run fine.


    Not exit, just turning the power off of the current arrangement.

    Ah, ok. I didn’t realize that. Then the problem is not related to undo history. When turning off monitoring Podium will retrieve the current preset from all plugins, so the delay could be caused by one or more plugins or it could be a problem in the Podium engine cleanup.

    Will the ~40 seconds delay happen if you just let the arrangement loop-playing for a long period, or do you have to do editing for the delay to happen?


    Podiums becomes slow after editing.

    If I just play the arrangements, other problems occur (big drop outs from time to time after a few minutes playing, see

    But don’t bother with this now, I did’nt want to disturb you with this before 2.0.
    It is nothing as important as all the nice features and enhancements we are waiting for 😉
    More, I suppose that no one else seems to have this kind of problem.

    I’m used to quit Podium from time to time to “refresh” it. It is not a big problem if I take care to be patient during some actions.
    Indeed, it will be perhaps some help if there is a popup during switching off and saving and will prevent to do something during this risky time.

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