Scenario is when energyXT is used as an instrument in Podium. When I double-click on the Podium timeline (to start playback from a certain point in a song) energyXT crashes when the new songPos is sent to energyXT (that’s my theory)
Steps to recreate bug:
1) Drag eXT instrument mapping to Podium track
2) Open eXT, insert a sequencer component. Open sequencer component, choos options from the menu at the top, choose “External sync”
3) Close sequencer, then in eXT main window turn the Synchroniser on
4) In Podium, start playback. Then double-click on podium timeline to start playback from a certain spot, and energyXT will crash
Using latest version of Podium, and latest offical release of eXT from http://www.xt-hq.com, version 1.2.9 from november last year