Topic: some little enhancements – part 2

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  • #500

    Automations :
    – when we move the “play bar” (during pause) the automation curves are rendered well by the vertical sliders in the mixer, but not in the gui of the VST
    – when we move the slider of an automation parameter (mixer or vst) for setting the values while in pause, the point is always recorded as Bar, even if it is the Line mode which is selected in the curve editor. This is very annoying, especially for volume envelopes…
    – it seems impossible to set values of vst parameters while in pause within the gui of the vst : only the changes of the corresponding slider in the mixer are recorded (which is VERY annoying for bidirectionnal controls)

    Browser :
    – option to hide/show some type of objects
    – possibility to freely arrange the objects in the space of the window, instead of having them organized in column :

    – menu File / Recent Projects (already on the list I supppose)

    It’s all for today !


    @acousmod wrote:

    Browser :
    – option to hide/show some type of objects
    – possibility to freely arrange the objects in the space of the window, instead of having them organized in column :

    I’d like to see that too.



    option to hide/show some type of objects

    Please describe why/when you would want to hide certain object types?

    possibility to freely arrange the objects in the space of the window, instead of having them organized in column

    This is already possible if you deselect the ‘auto arrange’ option in the browser edit menu. Are you requesting a new mode which will allow free arrangement, but still snap to a fixed grid?


    Are you requesting a new mode which will allow free arrangement, but still snap to a fixed grid?

    Exact. But it is indeed a VERY small request, just thought about it when working.

    Please describe why/when you would want to hide certain object types?

    My main purpose is to hide the Device Definition objects when I must modify the Device Mappings, and to hide the Device Mappings when I go to edit the VST Parameters. Since there is a lot of plugins there is a lot of objects too, and the design of the objects is a little confusing for me so I lost myself.
    Having the possibility to show only one type of object at a time will be in this case, for me, more efficient.
    But it is only a suggestion, don’t spend time on this, there are more important things !


    @Zynewave wrote:

    possibility to freely arrange the objects in the space of the window, instead of having them organized in column

    This is already possible if you deselect the ‘auto arrange’ option in the browser edit menu.

    Ah!…I didn’t know that 🙂



    when we move the slider of an automation parameter (mixer or vst) for setting the values while in pause, the point is always recorded as Bar, even if it is the Line mode which is selected in the curve editor. This is very annoying, especially for volume envelopes…

    What do you think about Frits ?


    @acousmod wrote:

    when we move the slider of an automation parameter (mixer or vst) for setting the values while in pause, the point is always recorded as Bar, even if it is the Line mode which is selected in the curve editor. This is very annoying, especially for volume envelopes…

    What do you think about Frits ?

    The edit mode of the curve editor has no relation to the actual curve sequence, so the mixer cannot use this setting to decide the type of event it should create.

    I can imagine certain situations where you would want to create bar events, if you e.g. are using level automation to mute certain passages. What I could do is to create a bar/curve point depending on the type of the neighbouring events in the curve sequence. If you start with an empty curve sequence, the first event created will be a bar event. If you go in and convert this to curve events, then subsequent mixer fader movement will create curve events. This would apply both when playing and when stopped. Good solution?


    If you start with an empty curve sequence, the first event created will be a bar event. If you go in and convert this to curve events, then subsequent mixer fader movement will create curve events. This would apply both when playing and when stopped. Good solution?

    OK for me !

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