Topic: Sound File in "Inspector"

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  • #398


    I don’t remember what is the name of the left zone in the arrangement, but it would be nice if a new category could be added inside it : the sound files that are currently in the Browser.
    For exemple, create a folder in the Browser window, put inside the files that I use in the project, and hop !, I can now pick them from the arrangement simply by choosing them in the list, like other objects (devices, params etc) instead of opening each time the Object List.

    Is this already planned ?

    Hard to code ?

    Thank you one more time…


    I don’t remember what is the name of the left zone in the arrangement

    I usually call it the ‘track inspector’, but feel free to use other names.

    This feature was on the plan until I made the extensions to the object list window with file browsing. I guess it still would be useful, but it probably should be an option. Each panel tab that is added to the inspector, will reduce the height available for the active panel.

    I’ll add it to the plan.


    I usually call it the ‘track inspector’

    so I was good…

    Each panel tab that is added to the inspector, will reduce the height available for the active panel.
    I’ll add it to the plan.

    sure, but with modern screens…
    so it would be nice for an option, thanks !

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