Topic: sound files for export

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  • #1426

    Hi Frits
    is there any difference between the audio files produced when using the “render bounce track”method, compared to performing a real time bounce, using record and play, on the Master Track?
    my PC seems to perform the latter faster.

    thanks Mart.


    There is no difference in the format of the sound files. The only difference between realtime/render bouncing is that rendering uses a max buffer size of 128. If your ASIO driver is set to a lower buffer size, then this is used in rendering also. The difference in buffer sizes may result in a slightly different bounced sound if you use VST parameter automation, since VST parameters are processed once for each buffer.


    Is the buffer size the same as the latency set on the sound card ?


    @estwing wrote:

    Is the buffer size the same as the latency set on the sound card ?

    They are related. Sometimes ASIO drivers report a latency in samples slightly larger than the buffer size, to compensate for the delay introduced in AD/DA converters. You can see the real buffer size in the “Input/Output latency, buffer size” line on the interfaces dialog report page.


    Thanks Frits,
    I’m currently running 128 sample latency,so i guess I wouldnt want to go below this when using lots of VST automation.


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