Topic: Soundcard suggestions?

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  • #2367

    Hi all. I’m almost ready to purchase an external 24-bit card, and was wondering what you guys would recommend or warn me against, especially in regards to performance with Podium. We’re talking in the $100-200 range. Good day-


    Any requirements like total inputs/outputs, mic pre’s or any other things along those lines?


    Nope, no requirements, just that it’s 24-bit and runs smooth with Podium. If it matters, I plan to get M-Audio Axiom or Oxygen to play.


    I have a recommendation to avoid Tascam products. Their support for later release Windows (Vista and 7, and 64-bit) is shocking and when you point out the problems, you basically hit a wall with support. They aren’t interested, and rather than admit their latest drivers are a hackjob and that their support for 64-bit is slipshod, they insist that they work, despite overwhelming evidence online to the contrary.


    Also the EMU 0404 USB has a good reputation.


    Good deal, thanks! So, I should avoid Tascam, huh? Sounds like what M-Audio had going on a while back, but I understand they’ve caught up. I was just looking at the Emu 0404 yesterday, looks good…as well as the Presonus. The Sapphire looks iffy, as some have had positive experiences, but others have had ASIO issues, and as I use ASIO4All, maybe I should stay away from that one. Now, this is just based on what I read in Gearslutz, but they seemed pretty knowledgeable.
    So, thanks for the help guys! I’ll take more suggestions if you guys have any. Good day-

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