Topic: starting to understand. more help needed

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  • #777

    hey frits. i know how use multiouts in microtonic. sorta. i know how to add diffrent fx by inserting them into a group track. are 1+2-15+16 related to microtonics
    8 multiouts. also why is there a 1+2 and 3+4 output? i would think that is a synth was stereo, it would just have a 1+2. whats the other 3+4 for. i do understand now that these numbers are related to grouping tracks right?

    also when im using group tracks i notice that theres a pianoroll for each output. id think that that there would be only one pianoroll for the microtonic because if you played all the layers at one you would have a complete mess.
    why is there a pianoroll for each group track instead of one? im trying to load
    microtonics factory sounds but only get an init option in the preset mapping becuaxse the sounds arent fxb or fxbs. also frist how do i save my project so when i load it up again its kept the sounds i used(i tried saving the sounds i loaded in the microtonic inbuilt editor but they wont load)

    thanx frits 🙂 thats about all 😳



    are 1+2-15+16 related to microtonics 8 multiouts

    Yes. The microtonic 2 plugin supports 8 stereo outputs, so Podium has paired the channels into these 8 mappings. You can rename the mappings so that 1+2 becomes 1, 3+4 becomes 2, … 15+16 becomes 8, if you prefer it that way. Somewhere in the microtonic UI there must be a selector which allows you to assign each drum sound to one of the 8 outputs.

    why is there a pianoroll for each group track instead of one?

    You should only create note sequences on one of the tracks assigned with a microtonic mapping. The other tracks with the multiple output mappings should just be left blank on the timeline. The purpose of these tracks are only to insert the multiple output of the plugin into the Podium mixer.

    how do i save my project so when i load it up again its kept the sounds i used

    On one of the tracks with the microtonic plugin you should create a library preset. I recommend you do this on the track with the 1+2 output mapping. The microtonic plugin may require that its entire bank and not just the current preset is stored in the Podium project, so instead of using the ‘new’ button in the preset panel, try using the ‘new bank library preset’ in the track context menu.


    hey frits, i duuno why but podium refuses to load the microtonics loaded patch bank in the preset mapping. there not fxbs could that be why? do i just load the patches from the microtonic editor?also HOW do i save a project with all plugins when im done working? ive been typing ctrl s but it seem to work rather weird when i use that command.


    I just tried my installed demo-version of microtonic 2. There are two dll versions. One which allows configuring each drum sound to either output A or B, and the other ‘multi’ dll which hardwires each of the eight drum sounds to eight stereo outputs. But I guess you are aware of this.

    do i just load the patches from the microtonic editor?

    Yes. Microtonic uses its own proprietary file format for the presets, so you cannot load these directly in Podium. What you need to do in Podium is to create a single library preset and assign it to the track with the microtonic mapping. I just tested it, and it seems it is enough with a program preset and not the entire bank, so you can use the ‘new’ button in the preset panel. Once this library preset is assigned to the track, and the ‘sync’ button in the preset panel is selected, Podium will store any changes made in the microtonic editor into this preset, and thus it will also be saved in the project file.

    HOW do i save a project with all plugins when im done working? ive been typing ctrl s but it seem to work rather weird when i use that command.

    Ctrl+s should work, but it only saves the project file and not any edited sound files. For this you can use Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S, which is the shortcut for the ‘save all changes’ file menu on the main browser page. When you quit Podium it will also ask if you want to save all changes, with a yes/no option.

    If you still have problems getting microtonic to behave, you could email me your project file so I can review if there are any problems in your setup.


    pod file sent frits.


    Your project file seems to be ok. You have a library preset assigned which should store the plugin settings. You write that you have trouble saving the project; More precisely do you mean your trouble is to save plugin settings with the project, or are there other issues?

    One thing that I noticed when trying out microtonic was that the two dll versions were not preset compatible. Maybe you have created the library preset on the track with the dual output dll, and since swapped the mapping to the multi-out dll. Try using the ‘new’ button to create a new library preset after you have loaded the desired patch in the microtonic editor. If this goes well, the new library preset should take its name from the currently loaded microtonic program.


    i geuss it saved ok frits. maybe its a problem with how im opening it. after its
    saved i click file open project and it takes me to a device, new arangement and a new arangement master folder upon which i click, new arangement objects: 2 after i do that, i notice that theres not even an E box and that the plugin seem to have gone missing. could i be opening the project wrong? wow: 32 posts and im still here. im not gonna give up though im feeling quite frusterated right now.


    after i do that, i notice that theres not even an E box and that the plugin seem to have gone missing

    I think you just need to activate monitoring. That is the power button to the left in the transport toolbar. This button activates the Podium mixer engine and will load any plugins on the tracks. Once plugins are loaded the E button is revealed for the plugin editors.


    that was it 😀

    thanx frits 8)

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