Topic: Stitching events together request

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  • #826


    At the moment you have a scalpel tool, however, would it be possible to implement the opposite and incorporate a stitching tool ❓

    My way of working involves a lot of unique 2 bar MIDI events which I would like to stitch together into 4/8 or 16 bars once I’ve finished tinkering with them.
    This would also look better because of one name for every 16 bar event instead of one name every 2 bars. 😀

    Thanks for the continued work on this.

    Technophobia 8)


    @Technophobia wrote:

    At the moment you have a scalpel tool, however, would it be possible to implement the opposite and incorporate a stitching tool ❓

    Coincidently, I was thinking exactly the same thing yesterday.

    I vote for this too 😀



    At the moment you have a scalpel tool, however, would it be possible to implement the opposite and incorporate a stitching tool

    Select two or more sequence events on the same track, and use the “Merge” edit/context menu.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    At the moment you have a scalpel tool, however, would it be possible to implement the opposite and incorporate a stitching tool

    Select two or more sequence events on the same track, and use the “Merge” edit/context menu.

    This has got me thinking…is there anyway in Podium currently to paint, as in drag out multiple copies of a midi or audio file like ACID Pro?

    I suppose a simple pop up, or option somewhere to select how many copies you want to paste, would also be sufficient and save a huge amount of time when arranging. Please excuse my ignorance here if this is possible already. I just cannot find the option if it currently exists.


    is there anyway in Podium currently to paint, as in drag out multiple copies of a midi or audio file like ACID Pro?

    Not as a single event that contains repeated copies of the MIDI or audio. The fastest way to append multiple copies of a sequence event, is to select the event, and then press and hold the insert key until you have enough.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    The fastest way to append multiple copies of a sequence event, is to select the event, and then press and hold the insert key until you have enough.

    Just tried it.



    Thanks Frit’s, should have known there was a way of stitching together.

    To save time could you just look into your crystal ball and post a load of answers up on the forum for all the questions I’m going to ask in the future… 😉


    Technophobia 8)

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