Topic: Strange behaviour with names in Presets

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  • #821


    If I change the name of a Preset in one occurence of a plugin, the name is also changed is another occurence which is on the same number of patch, but keeps its previous settings.
    If I change the name of the second, the first is also changed, if I change the settings they are stored well.

    In previous versions, the name was shared and the settings too.

    What must be the good behaviour : same names and same settings, or different settings and different names ?


    I just tested here, and changing a program name with the “Name…” button does not change the corresponding program name in other instances of the plugin.

    What plugin are you experiencing this with? Does it happen with other plugins too?


    Ok, it is because I changed them inside the Properties dialog.
    If I have understood, in this way we change the name of the plugin patch but not the name of the preset ?
    But in the Track menu, it is “Edit Program Name” to name the Preset ?

    It’s a little bit disturbing behaviour, and I just have to get used to see different names when the engine is on or off and use the Name button.

    But would it be possible to have an option to show only the “real presets” names in the explorer and on the track map when the engine is off ?


    The program preset objects that are created under the “local bank” library preset are shared between all instances of the plugins. These objects are just handles for selecting a program number in the bank. The actual program names will depend on the bank that is loaded into the plugin instance on the track.

    Using the properties dialog will change the name of the actual preset object in the Podium project. This was the old way of naming presets, but you should preferrably not use this method anymore. Use the “Name…” button or the equivalent “edit program name” menu to change the name of the program in the plugin. This is the name that Podium will display instead of the generic “Program 1” etc. names when the plugin is loaded.

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