Topic: Studio One Free

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  • #2728

    What do you think about this?

    Some of the big pluses over Podium Free, in my view:

    ■Real-time audio timestretching and resampling !!!!!!!!!!
    ■Presence virtual instrument with 100+ presets
    ■Works with key commands from Pro Tools, Cubase, and Logic—or create your own key commands
    ■Multitrack MIDI editing
    ■8 Native Effects audio-processing plug-ins

    The biggest minus:


    @adimatis wrote:

    What do you think about this?

    The biggest minus:

    Interesting but lack of VST support makes it a deal breaker for me, plus I find that Podium continues to meet and exceed my needs even as my needs continue to grow.


    I need access to VST as I have invested in them, so I certainly couldn’t use a host that didn’t support it. I imagine there would be quite a few people in this boat!


    On the other hand, for a FREE soft it is a very good one.

    The Telenator

    Ableton Live 8 Lite with some extra goodies is totally FREE until May 31, and they’ll send you the license and it’s permanent, not some temporary deal. It’s the full-blown Live 8 Lite.

    All they ask is you send them a screen shot of your personal SoundCloud page, because this promotion is partly about their SoundCloud uploader feature they added. (And it’s also to make some noise and get attention because Ableton Live 9 is finally going to come out before we end up in the rest home.)

    Go to the Ableton site for details.

    Oh, AND you get FIVE months of SoundCloud Pro membership with this for free, too.

    [EDIT: See Guaranath’s below, who has found perhaps easier way to register/license your Live 8 Lite.]

    The Telenator

    I believe my son (the genius) has become better at sound engineering than I am (he had a 2-yr. head start on these DAWs), and he swears up and down his full version of Live 8 is to die for, especially if you like loops or ever want to use one live. I almost went for the free offer myself but instead am just passing the word around today.

    Still waiting for the other shoe to drop over on the ‘review’ thread, but just moments ago I made The Decision, as I was able to do on Reaper what I’ve been struggling to do for days with Podium: I can now record MIDI tracks with sound monitoring right from any electric guitar. I KNEW this was possible with the right routings. I’m using practically any plugin from Fretted Synth to achieve this, since most of their plugins also output MIDI along with audio. No hexaphonic pickup either, but with a tiny bit of knob turning it tracks perfectly. I’m favouring VST’s GuitsynSE, Junction and SafFron2VA Pro. A weird little plug called 2SYN and a few others will do it, too, but Junction seems the winner. Now I don’t even have to fool with a virtual keyboard unless I’m going heavy chordal and don’t feel like comping and piling harmonies of single lines to get there.

    Reason I brought it up here is, I’m not leaving Podium by any means. Reaper always looked a little ‘high-schoolish’ to me but I’ve finished tweaking a couple of skins for it. So, I’ve decided to make Podium my Mixing and Mastering DAW and just drag in mostly finished tracks.

    I’ve known about the free StudioOne for a while and now Ableton, but I think I’ll basically stay put. In fact, there’s tonnes of hosts free now, this list being only about 75% complete:

    I am rather sad, though, about one fail after another with Podium. Let me fix maybe 8 to 10 things and it would be the best DAW on the market. No joke. Still, at $50 for Zynewave and $60 for Reaper I can probably afford to do both — and favour using Podium however I can.


    Thank you for heads up.

    I am not a big user, actually not at all, of Ableton. But I like seeing such give aways, and sometimes they are useful.

    Reaper, I must say, is a very serious contender… Not only it is a full-features DAW (by comparison, it has Time-Stretching, Audio-Tuning, MIDI effects, tremendous routing, fantastic optimization for use of CPU, etc.) but is updated often and became more and more on pair with the big boys. SOS has a Reaper column regularly.

    Anyway, we obviously still believe in Podium, still want to stick with it and we are all hopeful that finally, Podium will do the extra 8-10 additions (in your oppinion, I’d even say 5 serious ones will do) and then we’ll only have to use it as THE ONLY DAW we’ll ever need.

    The Telenator

    It may be closer to 5, since I haven’t counted in a while and it depends on how some are grouped, too.

    Yeah, Reaper did add the timestretching not very long ago, and from what I’ve read users are pretty happy with it. That massive routing update and improvement is what did it for me today.

    For other DAWs and free ones to boot, I saw that MAGIX has their Samplitude Silver-the SoundCloud Edition as their free one and it looks permanent. That one seems like the child of if Reaper and Cubase got married from the look and way it works. Not bad at all; I’ve tried it. I think this ‘Silver’ edition is technically Samplitude 11 but not sure.


    I just got my copy of Ableton Live Lite 8 for free via Soundcloud (who can pass up free!). If you go to the Ableton Live page in apps section of Soundcloud site and log into your account, then click the link to get the app you should not need to do the screen capture and email request thing. (I didn’t need to at least)


    Played with the Ableton Live a bit. Can see using it in a live performance context, but can’t see it driving me away from composing, mixing, etc.. in Podium. Seems a bit boiler-plate and DJ-centric. Though I haven’t dug very deep, so perhaps I am being hasty to judge.

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