Topic: System crash

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  • #24873

    Podium Free seems have a problem to release the audio driver. I think is Podium, because with other DAWs, I’ve never had this kind of problem.
    When I quit/close the program, Windows XP crashes and the blu screen appears with this message:
    “Stop at XYZ… cmuda.sys”
    I tried to reinstall all audio drivers (Windows driver and ASIO4all) but nothing has changed.

    Fortunately (or not, depending on point of view) this problem happens occasionally.
    For the rest, Podium runs like a rocket!


    Since moving onto Win7, then Win8, I have yet to see the bluescreen. If Podium crashes, it is a rare occurrence, and the system is intact. On previous OS, the bluescreen would emerge in Podium and other DAWs.

    Unfortunately, ASIO drivers are subsequently not accessible. I am able to use DirectSound or wmd. These are always reliably there to use. Or unplug then plug in my audio interface; the manufacturer’s ASIO driver for that device is then available for use.

    I have also dispensed of VSTs I suspected were involved in catastrophic crashes. But essentially, I believe the more recent OS’ are way more stable. If you want to recover work, deselect Preferences > Editors > Activate power when opening arrangement editor to edit track assignments within the arrangement, or delete the objects in the Device List.

    Best wishes in your troubleshooting. I recommend sending Frits the *.pod file via pm for debugging 🙂


    I realize that the question in these terms is very vague. There may be thousands of reasons why the problem occurs.
    Of course, the simplest solution would be to change the computer. 🙂
    Since I can’t do it, I’m trying to find another way to solve the problem.
    There was another audio driver that worked in my system. Removed it, the system has become more stable, but it still crash occasionally, but less frequently.
    The last test is to turn off the power to the project before closing the program. In this way all VSTs should be inactive.
    The project is saved correctly. Furthermore, the crash occurs with different projects, not only with one in particular. 😕

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by MLS.
    The Telenator

    In case you are still searching for answers, I hadn’t been by the forum much until now and will offer my 2 cents on your problem, as I have experienced something like it long ago in Podium AND other DAWs. First, it must be emphasised that this is not a feature limited to Podium. Locked up drivers occur with all DAWs. Second, I also want to stress that it is almost never the DAW that is at fault — DAWs do not truly ‘lock on’ to ASIO drivers — the other way around might be a more acurate description. I have even seen the quite common result of the driver holding on so stubbornly that, if you open your Task Manage on your PC, you will see what is called a ‘ghost incidence’ of your DAW still supposedly up and running sometimes many minutes after you have closed the true version (or it has crashed). This is an example of what the best of these often dodgy drivers are capable of doing.

    There is more that could be said; however, since drivers, even today, still vary so much in quality and performance, that I must skip some comments. Might I suggest, if this issue continues, that you ‘pull the plug’ literally on your driver by removing the input cord that the driver is connected with, before then closing down the DAW? This is only one of several tricks, but in some cases we learn not to do a lott of ASIO settings changes as well while operating. Try to change things only when you must, and check to see that such changes ‘took’ and all is continuing to operate accordingly. As odd as this sounds, one almost has to treat the ASIO as a badly spoiled child and attempt to be firm with it, almost to the point of ‘training it’ to function as you require. The next step if continued troubles, of course, is to switch to one more reliable.

    Of more that could be discussed, I’ll just end by asking whether you have ever installed and run any audio software that could have damaged or corrupted your sound stack, such as the infamous NCH Software and its products such as SoundTap? If so, I can tell you that I have had to fix a little over a half dozen machines from stupid shims left behind after uninstalls and related corruption. These can seriously interfere with the proper operation of you ASIO and any DAWs you use. If NO, then dismiss the mention. Cheers and best wishes getting things sorted! -Tele


    My own experience with this has tought me some very important things.

    I have an E-MU 0404 usb 2.0, that I use with the original E-MU ASIO driver. I also just recently changed to a new computer, which also has the Win7 on it.

    In order to avoid problems, I ALL THE TIME need to follow this procedure:
    1. Turn on the keyboard controller
    2. Turn on the interface (E-MU audiocard, which stays connected all the time to a back USB port)
    3. Open Podium
    4. Do the work
    5. Close Podium
    6. Turn off the interface
    7.Turn off keyboard.

    Anything else, or wrong steps will take me inevitably to the complete lock-up of the computer. The only solution after that is a forced restart, which I hate doing.

    The E-MU drivers, in my case at least, both with old computer with WinXP, but also on the new one, have been very tricky. Not bad necessary (I can go down to 2-4 ms latency) but very easy to upset. That will translate into no sound, no MIDI activity, cracks and pops, and the worse – computer lock-up. If it wasn’t for the amazing quality of the converters, I would have changed to something else. But I love those and I stick to it for now.

    Un-plug and plug back the USB cable never helped in my case. Also I know it is about this particular E-MU card, as the other PCI card, M-Audio Audiophile 2496 never ever gave me any problems.


    Well guys, first of all, thank you for your answers. From your experience, I concluded that most likely the problem is due to a VST plugin. With other DAWs, I worked mainly with audio. In Podium, I started using heavily and systematically VST plugins (many, even in a single project).
    I’ve never used NCH Software and my MIDI keyboard (call it that, is really a compliment …) doesn’t need a special driver.
    Now I’ll enjoy to find the “bad”. It won’t be easy, but it’s the only thing I can do.

    Greetings to all.

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