Topic: Templates and importing definitions

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  • #1105

    When I save a project as a template I don’t get any option where to put it. Why is that? I might not want to use the default location under Documents and Settings…

    The same with definitions. Wouldn’t it be better to be able to set that location in the preferences?


    When I save a project as a template I don’t get any option where to put it. Why is that?

    It saves you the trouble of having to select a folder each time time you want to access a template or a device definition. It could be customizable but I just haven’t found that necessary.


    @Serendipity wrote:

    When I save a project as a template I don’t get any option where to put it. Why is that? I might not want to use the default location under Documents and Settings…

    The same with definitions. Wouldn’t it be better to be able to set that location in the preferences?

    Actually that is not a bad idea at all, especially for project templates IMO.

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