Topic: Testing new website design

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  • #892

    Take a look here:
    Edit 9-Aug-06: Removed test site as it is now on the main site.

    After a couple of years with the current website design, I felt a need to freshen up the whole thing. I chose a more simplistic approach with less shadow effects. Currently it’s just the text from the old site pasted into the new layout. Tell me what you think.

    On the old design I spent a lot of time making it scalable to window size and user text size selections. This meant using old-style HTML tables which made it cumbersome to lay out the pages. The recent trend on most commercial sites seems to be to use CSS design which gives more freedom in the layout, with the drawback that pages don’t resize to the browser window. I prefer not to spend too much time on webdesign, so after trying a range of overly complicated HTML editors I went with a cheap and easy to use tool: This will make it easier for me to update the website with e.g. news on the home page.


    I think this looks pretty good…

    I’m not volunteering for this but why not poll some of your users to see if there is an interest in maintaining the web site for you. I don’t think I would be going to far out on a limb in saying that we (the collective we) would much sooner see you focusing on continuing the development of this fine product rather than maintaining a web site. I might volunteer if I had ever developed a web page let alone a web site, but I just hire those types of people when it needs to be done at my workplace.


    why not poll some of your users to see if there is an interest in maintaining the web site for you. I don’t think I would be going to far out on a limb in saying that we (the collective we) would much sooner see you focusing on continuing the development of this fine product rather than maintaining a web site.

    I agree. The new site has the ‘Wiki’ page in the top bar. I hope to leave this section in the hands of the users. The Podium guide pages on the old site is moved to the Wiki, so with the exception of the news on the home page, the remaining pages will rarely need to be updated.


    I’ve added a screenshot slideshow to the home page.

    If some of you want to help out, and want your Podium screen on the home page, then email me some screenshots of Podium in action. I know some of you are using rather agressive color schemes, so I can’t guarentee that I’ll put your screens in the slideshow πŸ˜‰

    Please send the screenshots preferrably as .png or .bmp files.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve added a screenshot slideshow to the home page.

    If some of you want to help out, and want your Podium screen on the home page, then email me some screenshots of Podium in action. I know some of you are using rather agressive color schemes, so I can’t guarentee that I’ll put your screens in the slideshow πŸ˜‰

    Please send the screenshots preferrably as .png or .bmp files.

    I must say Frits this new look website really is a very good effort. I cannot really think of much to change. It is very clean and easy to read. A pleasure to browse through. 8)

    A very logical, simple yet stylish layout. Exactly what anyone browsing a website wants IMHO.


    Also having the Latest News area on the home page / tab is ciritcal I think. Most people might just browse the home page for any news of an update of the latest version then decide to browse further most likely.

    The way you laid that out is very well done.

    More detail on the releases is a very good move. Letting people know exactly when (with dates) Podium is updated is very important. One of the key reasons for Reapers rise in popularity is the incredible no. of updates.

    While Podium is not as quick as that (although I like the current pace as is with Podium) many do not know just how many updates are posted over any given period.

    While a link to the releases forum was present on the older home page site, exactly what was in a new release was not. Now with the new site it is.

    Getting more info on updates to people quickly on the home page can only help draw more people in.


    I like the new design! A bit bright IMO. The “news” column is a very good idea!

    Concerning screens.. I posted one in the Wiki some time ago. You can use that. I love that theme, and I didn’t change it for a long time now. But perhaps this is one you’d call “extreme” πŸ˜‰


    Alfonso Santimone

    very good design..way batter than the old one πŸ™‚


    Frits, the Wiki doesn’t look good anymore.. The table of contents is on the top and the whole guide is at the bottom. Is that on purpose? Or do you change it to the last scheme, where the table is left and the contents right?


    Frits, the Wiki doesn’t look good anymore..

    Hehe πŸ˜† . Once again you checked while I’m online experimenting with the layout. Refresh your browser page.


    ok, sorry! 😳

    I am a constant visitor of your page! I am allways curious about what you bring us next! πŸ˜†

    hehe.. I should work on the german translation. There is so much to translate.. πŸ™„ It’s not easy to translate your English, because you always choose your words so well, thus it is hard to find german words, that are THAT descriptive.


    I should work on the german translation. There is so much to translate..

    I appreciate that, but it’s probably best to wait until I have completed messing around with the wiki.


    Understood! I even don’t have the time at the moment. Perhaps some other german user (is there one?) will help me.


    The test site is now moved to the main site. I’ve tried to compile a feature list on the new About page. If you find that your favorite Podium feature is missing from the list, please let me know πŸ˜‰

    All I need to do now is edit the forum template to the new site design.


    The “About Page” could need a few additions now.

    The powerful track template feature for instance! πŸ˜†

    And for those who are searching for features like audio fades etc. you could add a few lines beneath, that are a kind of short term future road map. Catching customers.. That’s all what it is about! πŸ˜‰

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