Topic: The master track

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  • #1488

    Forgive my ignorance about audio matters but I learnt the rudiments of sequencing in Tracktion and it doesn’t have a master track – what’s it for?

    Also I seem to be able to bounce a VSTi track into it but it’s annoying that it’s only a fixed length. I have to stretch the red segment marker (and the green one – not sure what that’s called?) and the empty track that’s there by default to get it to bounce the whole track. Is there a way to get it to automatically fit to the rest of the tracks?


    The master track is the topmost track in the track hierarchy. Its main purpose is to route the combined mix of all the child tracks to an audio output. You can select the output on the master track header. As a secondary purpose the master track is by default configured as a bounce track. The bounce sound on the master track is thus used to render the master output of the arrangement to a wave file. You can remove the bounce option on the master track if you don’t intend to export your arrangement for mp3 encoding etc.

    Is there a way to get it to automatically fit to the rest of the tracks?

    Not currently. I plan to add an option to the track properties that will autosize sequence/sound events to the full length of the arrangement. Bounce tracks will have this option enabled by default.


    Will the auto-sizing of the bounce tracks below the master track just be to the length of their child tracks or the whole arrangement?


    @blackstar wrote:

    Will the auto-sizing of the bounce tracks below the master track just be to the length of their child tracks or the whole arrangement?

    I think it will be to the whole arrangement. The length of the child track may not be long enough, if there are reverbs or other effects that generate audio after the child note/audio tracks have stopped.

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