Topic: The min- sec on the timeline

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  • #1240
    sam c

    is it something we can turn off? i could not find it in edit. it is so small in my 21 inch monitor window i cannot read it. so, if i can make it larger or just remove it that would be cool.


    I didn’t put in an option to hide it. I’ll add that for the next release.

    sam c

    thanks, that ‘s great.


    Frits, can you add an option to make timeline font bigger? It’s small on 17 inch monitor also (1152×864), but it’s something that I find really useful.

    Or just make it a little bigger and not so blurry.


    can you add an option to make timeline font bigger?

    I’ll try with a larger font for the clock times IF the timeline region height is increased slightly. I chose the small font to make it fit the current default. I’ll probably increase the default ruler height a couple of pixels to make the bigger font default.


    Thank you.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ll try with a larger font for the clock times IF the timeline region height is increased slightly. I chose the small font to make it fit the current default. I’ll probably increase the default ruler height a couple of pixels to make the bigger font default.

    Cheers Frits, I also think a silght increase in font size would still help, even though I use a large screen. Thanks, it is a very useful new feature.

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