Topic: Thoughts on zReverb plugin

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  • #2525

    Having spent a few years assembling a collection of quality plugins for my studio, I have pretty much got all bases (no pun) covered. I have some good reverbs,but not I think, a great one. Except for zReverb. I really think it’s fantastic. I’ve had access in years past to Lexicon hardware reverbs occassionally in studios, but always with time constraints, so it’s hard to compare to the software available now. When I look for the smoothest , most pristine reverb for a track I always end up deciding on the native Podium ‘verb. Does anyone with more experience have thoughts on the subject?


    I’m no expert but agree with you that zReverb is fantastic.

    For me the icing on the cake is the patina on the space it offers. The tuning pad combined with multiple, subtle reflections somehow invokes a real world reverberant space.

    I’ve only heard Lexicon hardware reverbs pressed to CD, and not out of professional studio monitors, thus don’t have a full appreciation of it’s quality.

    zReverb is not a device for gigantic tails and eddying delays. Instead it serves it’s audio source humbly with a live take effect.

    It’s so nice, z03, to read a discerning ear mouthing praise. 😉


    Nice to receive praise as a discerning ear, levendis. 🙂

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